Art and Performance Fall 2023 Sep 11, 2023 at 1:25 pm

Seattle Author Kristi Coulter Recounts 12 Years of Tiptoeing over Amazon’s Male Fragility

Exit Interview is out September 12. Photo: Jenny Jimenez



With this book, let the national conversation on labor and identity continue! Everyone has a story to tell, casting themselves as the central hero through whatever industry/journey they venture. So happy to see the US finally have some introspection here.


"You get
a hundred dollars
off the website a year,
and there’s a code that you
have to find and they don’t remind
you. You have to remember to go get it every year."

kinda like the trumpfster's trick
of locking in perpetual payments
& making opting out 'Challenging'

is This is the New
American Way?

late-stage Capitalism
Unbridled & at its
very Finest.


It’s a sweatshop. For those who last it’s a well paid gig, but eventually everyone there at every level gets a 1000-yard stare.


Obviously they should unionize


The line between corporate culture and corporate cult can sometimes be a rather fuzzy event horizon. Once you’ve accepted the goal of a package delivery service is to remake the world in The Founder’s vision, at least you know which side you’ve crossed over to. ;-)

That said, I’m looking forward someday to the insider’s story of how a quirky queer alt-weekly became a dour propaganda rag for failed policies, and the failed ideology that drove them — and drove Seattle into the current sorry state.

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