
The greatest thing since #pizzaRat. TV producers should lobby to put cameras in Harborview since people seem to really enjoy this stuff.
Man in Tree is a nice distraction from the shit show called the current political climate...and just yesterday an old friend reminded me that MIT looks a lot like Yukon Cornelius
oh lord.
Now this is the coverage we deserve!
A lot of times when a bear gets stuck in a tree in a residential neighborhood, they just leave it to its own devices and it climbs down eventually on its own and leaves. That's probably what they should have done with this guy last night. He probably wouldn't still be there.
Didn't Phoenix Jones tell the cops, "I know this guy, he'll come down for a beer and a cigarette", and the cops told Jones to get lost?
at least he stopped tearing up the tree. time for dehydration &/or hypothermia to do it's work.
@4: I read they gave him smokes.
Seriously, he's not a housecat. If he climbed up, he probably knows how to climb down. Is it illegal to climb on that particular tree?
@3, or they construct a net under the tree and dart them.
a real fantastic of taxpayer dollars, media airtime, and everyone's brainpower to keep thinking about this.
@9: lighten up, francis. it can't all be muslim terror and electoral histrionics.
If the cops didn't make a huge circus out of this, how would they justify the overtime?
He threw cones down, not pine cones. (it's a sequoia)

Reminds me of Squirrelman who lived in a treehouse on Eastlake...
The tree in the middle of the road near The Bon? I wish he wouldn't've hurt it...
Boy that escalated and tumbled quickly
Mental illness is a big problem in the US. Obama care had not helped with this issue, and Hillary has no answer either.
Would the Stranger PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP sponsor a contest to write the best short story about Man In Tree and how he came to be the man of mystery he is today? It should have really cool prizes, and we should get to read the best ones. Thank you.
@12, fuckin' a right! The NYT was lazy enough to call them pine cones, even though it's clearly a sequoia tree. Fir trees don't have pine cones. Cedar trees don't have pine cones. Etc.
Times like this, when the Great Collective flies into hysteria and I'm left only to wonder why, it becomes clear why I am unpopular.

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