
The red one is named 'Murray Arty' :-D
Sherlock Hemlock was not consulted! I smell a rat!
@1 - He is normally just Murray, but this is a special occasion. Today, we are all Sherlock Holmes characters.
Thanks. Made me smile.
I miss Jerry Nelson... Is it dusty in here?
I love Sherlock and all things Henson, but I really disliked this video.
Honestly curious: What's the big deal about Cumberbatch? I know he's in Sherlock, but that's all I know. Is he just really good in it? Or elsewhere?
Um... Originally posted on Slog by Danielle Henderson on Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 8:57 AM as part of that internet wide swoon.

Please try to keep up dear.
@7: He is very attractive.
"Benedict Cumberbatch solved a puzzle on Sesame Street and the internet swooned"

Actually, it's The Stranger folks that swooned. (Posted it twice today.)
I swooned. I admit it. Benedict Cumberbatch can come round to mine and count oranges any day of the week.
@9 To men and/or women? Looks or brains or good deeds? Or accent? Those wide-set eyes, lack of chin, and the shape of his face make me think of ET.
I somehow missed the internet swooning...
I just do not get the Cumberbatch fascination. As someone else once said of him, he looks like an alien that started morphing into a human and then got stuck halfway.

Thank you! He's just a weird looking dude--strangely flat face with eyes that look like they're on the edge of being crossed and pasty Boo Radley skin. Most of the other male regulars on that show look better than Cumberbatch, maybe even all of them.
@12: All of the above (except maybe good deeds, there's some discussion there I've seen lately). People think he looks adorable and fierce, love his accent and voice, and he's pretty smart.
I like Cumberbatch for being a relatively genuine guy amongst the relatively affectacious bunch of his contemporaries. He is kind of funny-looking though.
He's the spawn of Wanda Ventham, that's good enough for me.
He looks best with all that curly hair on Sherlock. Without it he's very plain.
He was Kahn in Star Trek: into darkness. He was in 12 Years a Slave. Imdb him. Compelling and fierce, more than ruggedly attractive.
I like most of his work except for Star Trek. But that last Star Trek movie was so bad ....well Star Trek V was actually a little better.

And he's okay looking, in a British sorta way. Not getting how he's "hot". Now Damien Lewis, THAT'S a hot Brit Ginger I can get it on with!!

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