
Any woman who receives an unsolicited dick pic should consider sending the guy a picture of the inside of a vagina.
Talk about selfies!
I assume that white ring is a light for the camera - this could be a handy tool for an auto shop! Got to get the black one, obviously - you never know where that thing will end up.
I was hoping for sample video.
I assumed the weird language was a send up -- reading the Japanese English on the packaging, verbatim.

It is my favorite thing about this. I love Japanese English.
"not only making you a better understanding and attention to your lover" -- OK, I've had enough.

It might be useful for looking for that ring I lost, though.
Yeah, a tiny "waterproof" camera sounds useful more than sexy.
It's all the rage on Second Life sex sims right now to use vibrators and vibrating cock rings that are operated remotely by your chosen partner for that evening (often a stranger, often far from you on the planet). I don't know much about it (honest, I don't!); I just find it very interesting. If you're curious, I've managed to find a web page without pictures:…

The video made it sound like this too was something you could, IDK, pre-program, at least. Or that the camera somehow communicated with the level of vibration? OK, I've watched it again, and, I have no idea what the point actually is. The woman still has to push the buttons when she wants more vibratin'.
Masters & Johnson already invented this back in the 60's when they were studying the physiological responses of the vagina and cervix during orgasm. Missed a patent there.
You know what's weirder than listening to reggae while masturbating? Listening to The Diane Rehm Show. But sometimes you're too lazy and engaged to find the radio remote.

@8- Second Life still exists. Wow.
Think of the possibilities Kelly. You can Skype with your gynecologist now!
This is such a hoax.
Still, @11, hahaha, or as the kids say LOL!
Apparently the experience ends by listening to the Misfits? (1:24)
Does that thing have a light, or doesn't it, in which case what use could it have ? As for proving it's effective, how about showing it imaging skin when the guy puts the vibrator on the legs of the lady, because vibrators are supposed to be in touching contact, right, not 5 centimeters away from the flower they image ? Doesn't everybody know that a vagina is not a gaping hole with lots of space inside and an inner light ??

Actually, the worst thing is the idea of putting something named "Gaga" inside myself. It means 'acting as in senile madness', in my native langage. Not gonna happen, folks.

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