
Want to see video of Slog staff taking bong hits and chatting afterwards. When do we want it? Now.
so thats what a bunch of losers looks like? got it.
Awww, that's cute.
Is this the same Hempfest that actively worked against the legalization of marijuana in this state two years ago, or a different Hempfest?
Love it!
@4 - Well played.
gah. hempfest is hell on earth. so crowded and oddly full of juggalos.
Lots of empty trailers this weekend.
Hempfest has put me off Hempfest.
Is it wrong of me to fantasize about punching the glasshole? Even his comment is smug and smarmy.
The girl with Rod is beautiful.
Now drive back to Auburn and Puyallup where you came from.
Caricatures . . . walking among us. Sigh.
@11: Yeah, but why would you do a tab at a hemp-fest? It is like eating spaghetti at a bratwurst festival.
Trailer trash in Seattle! Delightful! And #4 Wins Slog today!!
Hempfest serves as an astute demonstration that the biggest impediment of marijuana decriminalization is stoner culture.
@12 - more like Crapitol Hill or the U District....
@11 - Yes. Yes she is. Stunner.
Christian's titties get me high.
@11 and 19, just what I was thinking. And I want that dress.
From #4
Is this the same Hempfest that actively worked against the legalization of marijuana in this state two years ago, or a different Hempfest?
Same ones indeed.

The powerful "medical marijuana" folks understand that this is the beginning of the end to their monopoly on "legal" weed. But now that the genie is out, they have to act all "hunky dory". Of course the "medical marijuana" folks are complete hypocrites.

Of course there are people who benefit greatly from using marijuana, often instead of hard-core addictive narcotic pain killers, but guess what? The majority of the customers of these places just want to get high.

The sales cost is still on the side of the "medical marijuana" folks, but over time, that will fade, and these guys will have to compete in a more "capitalist" arena, and most importantly to them, their profit margin will go dawn as more competitors enter the market.

@ #10
Is it wrong of me to fantasize about punching the glasshole? Even his comment is smug and smarmy.
That guys name is not "Dave", that's Glasshole Nick Starr.
I have the pleasure of living close enough to be able to greet the stream of grinning, shirtless pilgrims with guitars on their backs as they head that way. I thought it might be in bad taste to yell, "Have fuuuuuuuun, stoners!" but I think I might. They'll know I mean it. They'll pick up the vibe.
Spot on Ziff.

Watch out wit comments like that, he probably knows Tae Kwon Do. Or may it was Feng Shui. Wax on, whacks off for Glasshole Man Mr. Starr...
I count one cop, and his name rhymes with shave.
I would have been forced to say 'absolutely FRIED'!
good to see hempfest shrinking. it's a dog and pony show for wannabe stoners. I wonder how many people that went this year were from out of state. most of the smokers I know locally refuse to go because of their mistreatment of medical marijuana patients over the last two years. "legalization" in Washington has been a complete failure. they still invite Alsion Holcomb to speak even with the knowledge she repeatedly lied to the people of Washington about the effects of I502. but then again most of the people that go to hempfest are dumb enough to sign anything that says "legalize it"
@delirian, @11, I wondered about that too … realized it's likely that she said "dab" instead of tab
A "tab"? I'm thinking he probably said "dab."
What do I have to do to get this shit show moved to Seattle Center so I can still get through on what is supposed to be a bike trail? Walking your bike through that many juggalos every year is not fun.
#31 said:
"legalization" in Washington has been a complete failure.
The ability of Washington citizens to posses and use marajuana in their own homes leagally without risk of losing everything to some local right-wing sherrif on a power trip is a "complete failure"?

Or maybe you mean the new law has been a "complete failure" for the "medical marijuana" mafia who will eventially lose their monopoly on "legal" weed?

The law is new. There will be growing pains and adjustments over time. The excessive tax structure will eventually be normalized to a more realistic and sustainable tax structure.

The new law is certainly not a "complete failure" for the average Washington marijuana user not involved in the mafia fifedom known as "medical marijuana" that has long sought to corner the legal weed market for their own selfish finantial gain.
#35, really will the tax structure normalize? Why would they do that when they can just keep charging people 600 bucks an ounce, medical marijuana was much better in my opinion, it kept the market more localized, but now major corporations are going to take over everything eventually, so what is more of a monopoly? My advice is just get your card for 100 bucks and have access to the highest quality stuff around.
#36 said:
really will the tax structure normalize? Why would they do that when they can just keep charging people 600 bucks an ounce
Because altimatly, we elect our representatives, and indeed we the people have the power of the initiative to add and modify laws that exist.

Give it time
My advice is just get your card for 100 bucks and have access to the highest quality stuff around.
That will change. The unregulated "medical marijuana" mafia will be brought under control.

Anyway, I already get "highest quality stuff" from "my guy" for not a lot more than from the Medical Pot Mafia, I'm actually supporting a local businessman I trust and know, and I don't have to LIE about why I want it. Go to a quack and spend $100 for a Rubber Stamp "perscription? Just more proof that the whole "Medical Marajuana" thing is bullshit.
Have ever tried Google Glass?... But have you ever tried Google Glass ON WEEEEEEEED????!?!?!?!?!
hempfest is the sort of thing that will promote getting the laws changed back to pot being illegal. They look like a bunch of carnival workers. Hempfest is a poor representation of the whole picture. Most people who like to light up are not juggalos and hippies....because of the goofball crowd that attends this event the more normal people who use avoid it. hempfest is a joke and tarnishes the cause.
There were plenty of other less idiotic things going on at the weekend, thankfully.

@4 you're wrong, but nice try. you got a few other misinformed people to atta boy you. hempfest took a neutral stance. there were speakers for and against 502 - i know, i'm on core staff. i was pro 502 as were others on staff, and many were anti-502, so we agreed to be neutral so that our speakers from both ends of the spectrum could have a safe space to express their opinions. as evidenced by comment @31 who feels that hempfest pushes 502. lol. can't win 'em all...

@39 hempfest is one of the reason's we were able to legalize it in the first place. coincidence that seattle was the first city to make cannabis the lowest law enforcement priority and WA State was one of the first to legalize? hempfest helped normalize cannabis use.

and for the rest of you snobs who pick on what people there look like, i feel sorry that you have such low self-esteem you have to put down others for their appearance. hempfest is a place where everyone can feel welcome and let their freak flag fly (or not), which is why it's so popular. best people watching ever!
The part of me that is a liberal enjoys the fact that these people have the freedom to do this. The part of me that is a conservative privately wonders how much of my tax dollars are going to provide some of these folks with food, shelter and medical care. These are the things that go through your head when you are 47 years old! 20 years ago I would have said "party on Wayne". One last thought, if you are going to legalize weed, a drug I don't enjoy, why not legalize all drugs so that I can have some fun too.
No need to feel sorry, not a snob nor do I have a low self esteem...not sure how ya even can come up with that analogy sounds a bit judgmental to me but no biggy. I was just saying what I seen.
To each his own:)
#41 (westseattlered, Hempfest Shill)
Blaw, blaw, blaw... Other self-serving bullshit...
westseattlered is completely full of shit. Hempfest has always backed the Medical Marijuana Cartel and their vested interest in maintaining a monopoly on "legal" weed.

What makes you think these are all out-of-work slackers?

Do you profile black people too?
@41 - tell it to @31 who feels the complete opposite. you know why you both feel completely opposite toward hempfest? because hempfest has a neutral stance so you both project your feelings of what you think hempfest is and declare it as fact. tell me, how is hempfest backing the "medical marijuana cartel"? where's your proof? you say i'm full of shit but i actually know the truth and went into detail about it. you're just spouting your opinion as fact without anything to back it up, so who's full of shit? the person who can't explain their position. steve sarich would get a laugh out of your position.
^^^ i mean @44.

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