
They're annoying to anybody not flying them. Let the ban stand.
These things need designated places to fly, same as used by model airplane & rocket enthusiasts. Such places already exist. Discovery Park ain't one of them. Fuck the dronecopters. They are useful in terrifying cats, so there's that.
You lost me at Bros. I can't take anything seriously with the word Bros in it. You may as well say douche bag or cum guzzling gutter slut. Actually, I would pay attention if you used that last one.
god damn nimbys. every single one of you.

@1. I don't fly them and I find them pretty neat and not any different than any other remote controlled hobby craft.
Seconded. We've had RC planes and helicopters for decades and society did not collapse, why the hell have quad+ copters become so thoroughly hated?
@5&6, maybe read whole comments before responding. RC planes & helicopters are also banned from city parks, it's the same rule banning them as the drones. They're annoying, and while these guys were conscientious, a bunch of other jerks are not & getting a rotor tangled in my hair because someone wasn't paying attention isnt something I want to deal with.
Frisbees are just engineless drones. BAN THEM!
Tin foil hats for everyone! It's become ridiculous over the years how uptight and angry people have become at anything they do not personally enjoy. I would like to ban uptight angry people. They are hazardous to my well-being. Can we have them stay out of parks, 30 feet away from any doors or windows, put up lots of signs, and have law enforcement engage them when fuming in public?
It's the noise. I have the same issue with the all of the radio controlled toys (for lack of a better all inclusive term). There is something in the engine noise that sends my dog into berserk mode. He starts jumping up into the sky and racing all around trying to figure out how to attack them. I internationally pick walks in places where people don't use them. Am happy to work out compromises but as another poster mentioned, there are places people can use RC airplanes and the like, shouldn't the quadrocopter be run in those locations as well.
Why are people so against their new hobby of throwing rocks on the freeway?
This looks like an exciting new urban sport, just ideal for parks with trails in them --…

@4- I'm not allowed to fly my cat around the park either.
Are you sure?
What the living fuck are "missles"?
@15 Fixed!

Thanks, my palpitations have calmed.
Quads are awesome and fun to fly and the idea of using goggles with FPV is fascinating.
They look SUPER fun, but... its still against the law.. and are really f'ing annoying.

I think the difference here is that currently drones are the Hot! New! Thing! and with a $500+ price tag, strike a lot of people as yet more douchey Amazonian hipster toys.

Sad. I wish I had one - it looks fun!
Rich Smith can go suck it. I'm old enough to be his grandpa and I love smashing drones with my Louisville Slugger.
@20 You can get small helicopters for around $20, and have been able to for years.

Personally, I'm a little more concerned about all the assholes flying them way too high and/or around airports and military airfields. It's a much more serious issue than this small time park shit.
Let's get serious, how much is Amazon paying these two "bros"?
@22 Why? They're so small they wouldn't be a threat to anything anymore than a bird is. They don't use the same frequencies as commercial or military aircraft control. What do you think could happen?
Gee, you learned that you can't just stereotype people as "bros" just because they're young white guys. How open-minded of you!
@25 Are you kidding me? Have you ever seen what happens when metal FOD gets sucked into a jet engine?

These are among the smallest drones out there, the ones going really high are much, much larger and they will easily disable a jet engine, putting the public at risk and costing tens of millions of dollars.

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and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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