Blogs Jun 26, 2015 at 11:00 am


The Andrew Sullivan is crossposting here? Hmm...interesting, and welcome.
Sully on the Slog! Wonderful news today, and perhaps time to start checking back here more regularly, perhaps...
Ever since they fired all their writers, The Stranger will print just about any stringer's material, as long as it's cheap.
Could you not post this racist dirtbag here? Is that too much to ask, Dan?
oh wait, he's quoting Jesus in the title. OMG, get over your bad self. I take back my previous comment.
Welcome back Andrew.
What an unfortunate quote to choose from Arendt. Intersectionality FAIL.
The nice thing is that I told My 7 yr old son about the supreme court ruling today, and he shrugged. His response? quote " Families are ALL weird " unquote. I told him that, not too long ago people with different skin colors, couldn't be in the same family and he got upset with me that I was teasing him. Didn't believe me. His generation will see this in the history books and wonder what the big deal was all about.
Well, here we are now. Now we’re all on the big gay bandwagon. The civil rights struggle of this generation, you say?
No, not actually. Civil rights is for people born the way they are, not for learned behaviour. It’s seems to me like the case of Rachel Dolezal, who learned to think of herself as black, as a reaction to years of cultural exposure. I see no harm in that. But if she were to claim the rights of an oppressed minority when actually being about as black as chalk, that would be one step too bizarre.
Now, we’ve had an entire class of people claiming victimization because of a lack of rights and privelages extended to them because of a learned behaviour. Homosexuality is a choice, not a biological destiny. It doesn’t deserve the same level of rights and protections as a real civil rights cause. All the court decisions in the world aren’t going to change that—try as it might, the Supreme Court can’t redefine reality. Sorry, folks—gay marriage still isn’t the same thing as real marriage. And there will always those of us unwilling to participate in what we consider to be a bizarre mockery, a fantasy world unleashed. Nature cast its vote a very long time ago: men belong with women.
I’d always liked gay people, because they seemed like the most “live and let live” people I’d ever known. But now, with this new-found political power, it’s “my way, or go to hell—plus court costs”. So much for the spirit of tolerance that decades of gay activists pleaded for. Now, active participation, active enablement of the gay lifestyle is apparently required. How many people do you plan to drive out of business, for refusing to cater to your gay weddings? This is a power grab, masquerading as equality.
Eventually, you may figure out that popularity isn’t the same thing as love, and disagreement isn’t the same thing as hatred. You might even figure out that a bandwagon is nothing more than a lynch mob, moving in a different direction.

@9, eh, too nice a day. I'm not going to present the reams of (easily-googled) SCIENTIFIC evidence to show you that you're wrong in every way; I'll just laugh at you and drink your bitter bitter tears. Mmmm... yummy bitter tears! So delicious!

BTW, you sound like a big old baby.
As Dan wrote last week about the opposition to marriage equality, "It's all over but the pouting."

Big baby is hanging on to his pout, next he'll be holding his breath till he turns blue.
9/Ron: Now, active participation, active enablement of the gay lifestyle is apparently required.

I hear ya. Perfect example: I was sitting at home a few hours ago enjoying a sweet legal joint and listening to The Clarks when there were three sharp knocks on the door. Thinking it was my neighbor, who always knocks that way, I opened it and was immediately grabbed by three guys who threw a hood over my head, hustled me into a vehicle and sped off. Turns out they're gay and now I'm sitting tied to a chair in a warehouse, along with hundreds of other straight people, and we've been told we have to march in tomorrow's Pride parade or else our pets are going to get "a little visit from people who aren't nice."

9/Ron: Homosexuality is a choice, not a biological destiny.

I sure didn't sit down when I was a young kid and make a list of pros and cons of fooling around with girls vs fooling around with boys and choose girls. I was just attracted to them. No attraction to boys. But that's just me. Perhaps it was different for you, Ron. Perhaps you made that list of pros and cons and because girls had more* check marks in the "pros" column, you chose to find them attractive.

* not that many more, just a few.
You had me until "God".

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