
I note that the link now says that the decision is to be rescinded. But still, that the decision was even made is telling.
Hey Dan, have a heart. Think of all the perfectly good traditional marriages that are being RUINED by the gays.
Taking petulant to a whole new level.
In their case, flying the flag at half-staff seems rather appropriate, since they only half believe in America. While they're at it, why don't they just go ahead and burn it? Bible-thumping, unpatriotic, rebel scum.
They changed their minds--for the veterans, of course. No perverts in foxholes!…
They changed their minds. No damn perverts in foxholes!…
Tell me again why the North was so opposed to secession? It sounds like a dang good idea now.
Let's have two countries: the United States of Sanity and 'Murica.

I read stuff like this and it just makes me smirk. Suck it, haters!
#7 A quick history lesson is in order. Missouri never seceded from the US.
Google "Phineas the dog + Salem." It's a county run by morons.
@9: I was thinking more of Blue State/Red State division, not so much either geographically or historically based.
Why do we want these bigots and morons, is my point. Let them go be their own country.
This news is terrible. I'm normally very excited while reading Slog, but now my dick is at half-staff.
You got Some comedians in the US.
@5 So they changed their minds because they didn't want to offend soldiers like this one…

Good for them they should show men like Shane the respect they deserve.
Bless their hearts.

Although a couple very angry Slog commenters have been telling me that you are not allowed to be knowledgeable or have opinions on things unless they are ocurring in your immediate area.
@12 does it tingle when you point an electron microscope at your crotch?
It's all because Licking is outside the county. Just check the map. They're jealous.
--Disgusted former St. Louisan.
Hahahahaha. Bigots have the sadz, I can live with that.
Actually, it makes sense, since most of the guys on the committee are probably flying at least at half staff any time they think of gay sex. They can probably only get it up to about half staff when they're thinking about their wives.
Well this is going to make the holidays awkward. My dad is a resident of Dent Co., (Salem)... and I live in Cape Girardeau, which i thought was bad (the home of Rush Limbaugh and his family)...

Will someone please save me from this hellhole?

Also, I'm surprised that they freaked out over marriage equality, considering gluttony is a far bigger hazard to the local community...and they didn't say anything about my dad's four heterosexual divorces.

Oh well, that place has gone to s**t since the Feds ended Schwagstock. Unless you love hearing racist, homophobic slurs when you visit Wal-Mart.

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and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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