
Many straight people also vote against these shit candidates because the anti-gay crap they spout make us gag, and we don't want to throw up every day if we allow them to get elected!
Thus, Rubio fails at basic leadership skills. Next!
I think the Iowa Caucus is just one big money hole for any Presidential Candidate, whether they are pandering batshit crazy fascists or not.. The Political Party of Personal Responsibility wants the license to be irresponsible and reckless when they see fit.

Rubio besides Kasich and other "potential" national ticket Republicans have said some really disturbing things as much as Cruz and Huckabee..

He's still my favorite. I actually support marriage equality on a personal level (as do many conservatives) but it doesn't make the top ten list of important issues.
Christianity is such a silly religion. Although it's tied for silliest with, um, every other religion that has ever existed.
He's my favorite, in the same way that I prefer dog poo to raccoon poo. But I'm still not voting for poo.
So, shall we expect to see fire and toads or whatnot rain down on every Red Lobster restaurant in the country? Will Christians shopping at The Gap or 21 Forever be suddenly smitten with blindness the second they sign the credit card register for those mid-fiber Capri pants in their bags?

Seriously, I would really like to see this God of theirs actually exact a little fire-and-brimstone retribution against his chosen followers for not obeying His rules...
Mixed-fiber - gawd spellcheck is soooo finicky...
God's Rules are basically
1. Quantum Physics
2. All Things Must Pass

everything beyond that is projection.
There was some idiot hellfire preacher featured on our local (N. California) TV news last night, saying that some minor, fleeting weather feature was God's wrath raining down on us for allowing abortion clinics to exist here. It was so obvious to him, that God could not speak any more clearly to express his dissatisfaction with humanity round here.

While over on the other side of the country, they get blizzards and floods and tornadoes every five minutes, but that's not God's wrath at people who hate gay marriage, every thing gay, abortion and socialized medicine. That's God telling Texans how much He hates Californians.

It's easier to understand my cat, and she's a raging feline nutcase.
God's rules always win? Must be His inscrutable will, by that logic, that we offer subsidies to the poor for health insurance, allow women to receive elective abortion, and let homosexuals jump the broom.
Whenever someone takes a controversial political position and calls it God's will, what they typically mean is that it's what they want God's will to be. Blasphemers and upjumped demagogues for the most part.
Whatever happened to the seperation of Church and State. How is this anymore 2015 than those who'd like to introduce Sharia Law.
I think @1 brings up an important point: Lots of us straights vote, in part, based on a candidate's position on all manner of civil rights. Also:

Slightly more than in 2012, more people will admit to a pollster that they identify as LGB than in 2008.

And vastly many more straights have come around about marriage equality and basic civil rights regardless of orientation in the last 4 years. We've seen that trend strongly in polls for the last decade.

Four years later, kids who were 14-17 in 2012 can now vote. And, on average, 4 age cohorts of senior citizens have died off. Florida = "God's waiting room".
LGBT may be 5% of the population, but their loving friends and families add up to a whole lot more.
Yeah, "God's rules always win." Why that Jesus guy was so disgusted by gays, that he couldn't force himself to condemn them even once. In fact he found gays SO disturbing, that he never even mentioned them.
Happy Thanksgiving you guys.
Many times you've made me laugh, and I thank you for that.
how the fuck does anyone self-identifying as GLBT vote for a republican, let alone 22%?! Mind-blowing...
This effort will come to naught, seeing as there are a multitude of religious faiths that embrace equal marriage.

IOW, God already HAS 'won'.
Mario WHO???


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