Books Jan 27, 2023 at 11:11 am

“I Hope This Is a Book That Becomes Obsolete Very Quickly.”

Aubrey Gordon will be in conversation with Lindy West at Town Hall Wednesday, February 1. AUTHOR PHOTO BY BETH OLSON CREATIVE



Obesity is unhealthy. Period. Increased risk for heart disease, cancers, diabetes, liver disease, etc. Let's not sugar coat it. But also, lets treat people with respect.


@2 Why not sugar-coat it? Is sugar-coating things bad in some way?


Please don’t health shame me. When was the last time you saw any obese people older than 70? There aren’t any. When you are obese your blood gets thicker. For sone their blood has the consistency of ketchup. Your heart isn’t made to pump that. It’s why heart disease happens.


It's not surprising the usual fat phobic and equally gynophobic trolling incels would go ballistic.
Get over it, chickenshits.


when Despair over winner-take-all Capitalism
leaves one searching for Comfort some find
solace in drugs some in hugs
some use the booze
& many choose to
lose themselves
at the table if
they're Able

when the Capitalism fails
and the grocery stores have all
sailed you'll likey Wish you'd stored
up some calories for the Armageddon.


Based on comments you can see who takes walks and who skips them on their drive to McDonald’s.


ah the 😢 Fatshamers
Neolibs and Cons*
have Struck again
tho Earlier than

*is that


there's plenty enough
fear & self-loathing to go around

if only the Good
die Young you'll
likely be darken-
ing these pages
for the duration


I do not understand the Stranger’s obsession with normalizing unhealthy lifestyles. Living outdoors in urban environments is not healthy. Heavy drug use is not healthy. Selling “flipped merchandise” at 3rd & Pine is not healthy. Chronic obesity is not healthy. Pretending the only problems with all of the above come from shaming the persons who do them is not healthy. There are real persons hurt by these behaviors, and the harm comes not merely to the immediate actors, but to nonconsensual bystanders, friends, and family members. Persons with serious medical issues need serious treatments, not encouragement to think they’re ok without it.


(decent of you)

it was a little
Snarky. A-


Tensora again with the best comment of the day.


@30: Subship182 did not write that I was a genius. Read harder next time.

You’re free to engage with any of the points I made @25, and with my larger point, of the Stranger repeatedly normalizing unhealthy behaviors. You have chosen not to engage me on the substance of what I wrote. Instead, you made bizarre, second-hand personal attacks, based upon your misreading of another’s comments. From this, I conclude you have nothing of value to say on the substance of this headline post, or my comments.

How do I feel that you don’t like me, can’t answer me, and can’t do anything about either? Great! Thanks for asking. We now return you to your hateful ranting against pseudonymous strangers on the internet, forever in progress.


@30 Yes obese people do have thicker blood. It’s easy to look up. Being obese means you have more blood to support all the fat cells. All that extra blood has more cells to feed all that extra tissue such as white, red, and platelets which all makes the blood thicker. Also known as blood viscosity.


@34: And it’s not as if the ill effects of obesity on the circulatory system was any kind of secret. Making the heart work that much harder won’t end well, but will tend to end sooner. Shoobop was stupidly arguing over the details, and even then, he got himself burned.

Again, I do not understand the Stranger’s obsession with normalizing unhealthy behaviors.


@36- yes, BMI is very flawed. By failing to account for body composition it gives misleading results for those with large muscle mass as well as those lacking any real muscle. Using BMI to decide who’s unhealthy is inherently inaccurate. It would be far better to use body fat percentage if you must put a number on it. But most people, including doctors, can tell who’s unhealthily obese on sight. We could tell who the fat kid in class was before anyone ever came up with BMI. The problem now is that most people fit into that category. There’s lots of causes, including lack of rigorous PE classes in school (if they require it at all) and a general lack of activity in people’s lives. But it’s clear that we have an epidemic of obesity and that is not good for people in general.


Shocking how human physiology has changed so much in a mere 40 or 50 years.


@36: “That study cited above was refuted…”

By what? The study you haven’t cited here? The same bitter denial which drives Aubrey Gordon? The voices in your head?

“You would have to understand how to look at a study to know if I got burnt,”

We’ve all read every study you’ve here cited.

In full.

A billion times.

“Blood viscosity is not what kills fat people.”

Let me guess — the same study you haven’t cited says this?

Look, your endless quibbling about a few obscure details of just exactly how obesity cripples and kills does absolutely nothing to subtract from the reality that obesity cripples and kills. Likewise, choosing to remain in denial about obesity crippling and killing does nothing to prevent obesity from crippling and killing. Helping obese persons remain in denial thus does not help them, and might even help obesity to cripple and kill them. That’s all you’re doing here — if in fact you’re doing anything at all, beyond amusing those of us who actually know how to read studies.

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