Books Aug 3, 2023 at 11:20 am

Butler Was Not Only a Talented Science Fiction Writer, but a Brilliant Philosopher

How about you, Seattle? Charles Mudede



There's a grocery store around the corner of Third Place Books, which I assume is the bookstore Ms. Butler would have walked to in Lake Forest Park, so I'm not sure where you're getting the extra 25 minute walk from. Although I suppose I wouldn't blame her for wanting to do a little better than Albertsons. I've also only ever seen one 1st edition from her in their Rares section, and it wasn't even Parable of the Sower - always surprised they couldn't have stocked up on signed stuff from her.


Republican Street is already named August Wilson Way on the Seattle Center grounds If they want to extend this throughout the whole city, I won't object.


That's an awful lot of words to say, "I didn't know August Wilson Way exists."


@) I knew it existed but dismissed it as a kind public art for Seattle Rep.


PBS "In 2008, a pedestrian promenade that runs through the Seattle Center campus, from Warren Avenue to Marion Oliver McCaw Hall, was named August Wilson Way."


Look, you only get one street per city.

Now, if you want to push for Tacoma to add both an Octavia Butler Boulevard and an August Wilson Street, that's fine.


But it's not a street. It's a portal:


But it's not a street. It's a portal

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