Books May 3, 2024 at 11:49 am

Tony Sparks's New Book Tent City, Seattle Offers Valuable Participatory Research of Life in a Sanctioned Homeless Encampment

Tony Sparks began writing the book in 2020 "entirely as a rage piece." COURTESY OF UW Press



Tent City was right down the block from our house a few years ago. They were fine neighbors - no unreasonable noise, no street crimes or petty thefts, no one smoking Fenty out on the street, no piles of stolen bikes etc. If the encampments in general were like Tent City, I think people would find a lot more acceptance or at least a lot less hostility. What appears to be unique about Tent City among the encampments is that there are rules that must be followed and at least minimal standards of behavior. I know some people refer those things as "barriers," but they are not unreasonable. If you want encampments to be accepted, it's worth considering how they affect the surrounding areas. If I ran my house and yard the way a lot of encampments are run, the neighbors would be pretty pissed off too and I'd hear about from the City.


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