Boom Jan 29, 2018 at 5:00 pm

Will the Jeff Bezos spheres become more iconic than the Space Needle?


It looks like Mudede has fallen into Jeff Bezos' sphere of influence. I guess that's just how he rolls.
Soooo.... In other words: "Today Chuck got very stoned in the new greenhouse downtown."
They wasted four billion (that's BILLION, with a B) on this private sanctuary. The public can go underneath them for an exhibit only so in order to enjoy them you still have to actually work for Amazon, (and it sucks to work at Amazon). These will never be ICONIQUE
Good Afternoon Charles,
You're looking dapper. Like the shirt.

I think I'll check out the spheres. Thanks for tip.

i love the picture charles. good to see you in the daylight.
Probably never, and if you don't believe that ask yourself whether you'd ever recognize the San Francisco skyline without the TransAmerica building, a cheap 5th rate American icon.
@4 Amazon spent $4 billion on its entire Seattle campus, not just the spheres.

That’s billion with a “B”!
Charles dear, I adore you, but you really are a dope. The Space Needle is always the target of pseudo-intellectuals who are trying to score points for how deep they are or how provincial Seattle is. You can do better than that.

If you want to look at it in historical context, the needle is the (privately owned) landmark of a great Socialist enterprise - the Seattle Center. The privately funded Century 21 Exposition (the fancy name for the Seattle World's Fair of 1962) envisioned a civic campus for all to enjoy, with cultural, recreational, convention and athletic facilities. It was also meant to be profit generating (which has been spotty over the years, hence all the meddling with it)

Jeff Bezos and Amazombies are a cancer on this city.
@12, they really are. We'd be better off without their high wage jobs and subsequent payment of sales tax to pay for various social services.

Fucking Amazonbies!!!
I couldn't help but laugh reading this. Seattle isn't London, and will never be. Seattle isn't Paris, and never will be. And when Amazon opens it's new HQ elsewhere, Seattle won't even be the Seattle it is now, because HQ2 likely will become HQ1 (if that's where Bezos wants to be based) and Amazon might begin slowly selling off Seattle real estate. The domes then could be overseen by a real estate management company that won't spend on their expensive upkeep.

Whether they last as long as the Space Needle to become a Seattle icon remains to be seen.
Is that a cup of Starbucks coffee in his hand? Kind of bourgeois, don't you think? For an avowed communist I mean.
@11, i give an essay by a young man also named charles mudede:…
While a question in a headline should always have an assumed default answer of “no,” I do see many persons taking pictures of the Spheres with the Space Needle in the background, so there is that.
I dunno. When you're heading in to Coleman Dock from overseas (Bainbridge or Bremerton) on the Ferry and see the beautiful cluster that's Seattle, stadia to the south, skyscrapers trying to be as tall as the Cascades and clouds (and failing, till you're almost there) with the Space [NEVER DENIGRATE THE NEEDLE] Needle all by its lonesome to the north ... you know you're in Seattle. And it's fucking beautiful.

We're just cheesy, I guess. Oh, and I went to Century 21. Where's my flying car?
Wow... still unreadable after 17 years.
Guess old dogs really can't learn new tricks.

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