

Some people will find this horrifying but I'm sure some of the anti-west left will celebrate this as some destruction of the patriarchy or some other sick shit


@1: fuck you. everything isn't about your right wing bullshit. everyone loves notre dame.


@2 Wow, my first thought about this wasn't about how I can use it to "own" somebody. I'm genuinely saddened. Man, it's a hell of a loss. What a frickin' shitty turn for the day.


@3 ... don't know how to say what I feeling and thinking about this. Wow, our time is just a little drop in the river of time. There are some things that occasionally make our works elevate above being mere strip malls along the highway of eternity. :-(



This is truly sickening


Oh this is so awful. I'm actually in tears.
@1: None of that is happening except in your own nasty vicious little mind. Seriously. Get help.


The spire collapsed, stood for 900 years.

Even in our jaded state, this is something everyone should mourn. A loss for all of humanity.


Although this is indeed terrible, much of the original cathedral was destroyed or looted long ago. It was heavily damaged and in disrepair for decades until Victor Hugo wrote "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" in 1831 and brought it new recognition. It was restored but again, most of the original cathedral had long ago vanished.

So, terrible as this is, it can be restored once again, just as it has been before. It's unlikely that the very few things remaining from its original 15th century past will be lost.


@1 You really are a worthless pile of dog shit.


@9 Bless your literalist heart. Thanks.


One of the great monuments of Western civilization. Please save it!


@9 It will. It will be restored. That is what Europeans do. But it will take a decade or more.

This is heartbreaking. So much of my youth was spent on the Île de la Cité. There just are no words for this tragedy.


...still burning... not good. I suppose at some point the structural integrity of the entire complex is just too compromised.


Good bye, Esmeralda.


@8 There's been a spire there for 900 hundred years, but not the current one:

"The original spire was constructed in the 13th century, probably between 1220 and 1230. It was battered, weakened and bent by the wind over five centuries, and finally was removed in 1786. During the 19th century restoration, Eugène Viollet-le-Duc decided to recreate it, making a new version of oak covered with lead."


Something happened to something in Paris.


This is a terrible accident, but I'm sure Paris will recover. Many churches have been rebuilt after being destroyed. In the 20th century many cathedrals were completely destroyed by war - most of London's historic churches were nearly completely rebuilt after world war 2. Rheims cathedral was rebuilt after world war 1. All of these buildings were eventually rebuilt.


@2 is correct. I've visited Paris six times, and gone to Notre Dame every time.

Frech vintners should create a special appelation (label) of French wines and champagnes to raise funds for the restoration of the church. At least they saved the artworks and tapestries.


(how did it change French to Frech?)



Given the mutual animosity between Catholics and Protestants, and in particular U.S. Southern Baptist Convention Fundamentalist Evangelicals, it's far more likely the latter are already waving their hands in the air and shouting hosannas of adoration to their imaginary geriatric Sky Daddy for what I imagine a goodly number of them would describe as "God's Righteous Wrath Upon The Unbelievers". As for us atheists on the left, we'll just pop our popcorn and watch the two sides verbally duke it out in yet another fruitless round of "who's to blame?", although personally, I feel sad at the loss of any sort of historical landmark, regardless of its original intent.


Notre Dame, like the great, western civilization that built it, shall rise again.


@24: Western Civilization shall rise again? Superfluous commas?

Troll better.


I was there 3 weeks ago. Didn't want to wait in line to go inside. I'm dumb.


Please don't feed the 404s. If we all stop, they'll shrivel up and go away, i promise.



Does no one stroke you?


The comments section of every article always begins with “I’m surprised none of my political opponents have used this tragedy to show how they are all pieces of shit.”.

The successive posts all @ the OP to inform him that s/he is the actual piece of shit.

The OP then replies with some incoherent rant about how everyone who replied to him is a piece of shit.

This continues for a number of posts between 40 and 100, depending on how much direct impact the topic of the original article has on the individual lives of those posting in the comments section, and ends with some spam advertising a tarot reading or prayer rally.

It goes, shit, shit, shit, bullshit.


Dan Savage pooped in my mouth


@33 -- yes, and yet, you still can type

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