
"The 'bros' who come up here"? I've lived on the Hill for about 15 years and it's not bros, it's rich Amazon Indians, white girls with yoga mats, and dudes from the hood who come in on the weekend to rob said white girls and Indians.

P.S. the pandering-as-fuck paragraph about being fucking nervous about talking to a privileged AF rich white gay man was just about the most cringe-inducing shit I've ever read.
@1 you should try reading your terrible posts.
As a hyper local, I can tell you most locals call it Cap Hill.
@3, haha, that's true. Also: The Hill. Also: why would anyone give half a shit what anyone else calls it?
"Keep Cap Hill Queered"

That ship has sailed. Perhaps the next mural can nominate a new home for Seattle's queers, artists, and freaks.

Zing! đź‘Ť
Thank you to Evann and Ashley for being totally awesome people. It's so important to recognize that we can each play a part in making Seattle the best place to live in the US.
I love all of this. I love how he straddles that line carefully, consciously, and supports without appropriating. How can any of this be offensive to anyone who supports equal rights?
This is the only kind of white male the new left can stomach. A pandering subordinate that "knows his place.

This dude is triggering alt right in so many ways he should get a medal.

@1 You're a dick. Since Evann is such a genuinely nice, sweet human (srsly) he would never call you that. But I'll help him out. I'm proud I know him. I can understand being starstruck by Dan.
@1 Are so bros on cap hill. Not sure how you missed them.
.....seems more like an attention seeking straight dude wanting to brag about how "gay friendly" he is than actually putting any real focus on LGBTQ issues :( #thisisthenewcaphill
To all you detractors, Evann is a great guy and Ashley is awesome - along with their one billion friends. As far as what this place is called I have never heard of it referred to as Cap Hill until the past few years. Since '91 I have only heard of it as The Hill or Capitol Hill. Some bus drivers refer to it as 'The Peoples Republic of Capitol Hill', which is acceptable and fun. But Cap Hill is for douche bags, just like those who refer to I-5 as 'The Five' or 520 as 'The 520' - they aren't! They are simply I-5 and 520, so get with the program.
Talk about cultural appropriation and a romantic revision of history. I moved to Capitol Hill in 1987 to attend Cornish and the gay community didn't own the place. The Hill was shared by a number of groups, including groups that didn't have a sexual orientation: meaning composed of any orientation. There was Neighbors, et al but there was also The Bad JuJu, the Comet, Bimbos, the relocated Vogue and many others to match. There were musicians, actors and artists living on the Hill during that period and still today. To say Capital Hill is less Queer because of an invasion of straights is poor memory. It has always included straights. It is less Queer because so many from the gay community have left for other neighborhoods. Dan knows this. His writing has become simply clickbait for a weaker, more shallow version of the Stranger.

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