

Other than "having values", can you tell us what exactly this charity DOES?
I looked at their site, fine and all. I did not see any "we provide this for battered women." I saw a bunch of "we hold these values" and "we support".
What would these proceeds be paying for? Having more values?
I will attend the show; I am still curious about the where and what of this putative charity....


API Chaya isn't a charity (that would be bad.) they primarily provide legal services. They're well known in Asian, immigrant communities, and among civil rights orgs already and have been for a while.


Insane cokehead and Seattle Comedy's self-appointed Political Correctness Police Natalie Holt is on this? This is going to be a terrible show. Avoid.


Ha, right? This is how crazy Natalie Holt is. The Stranger posts this article at 8:23 AM on Jan. 23rd promoting this talentless crazy person and then at 10:30 the same day, she's raging about how evil The Stranger is. This woman is a con-artist who threatens and intimidates with social justice rhetoric simply to empower themselves. The only difference from the other con-artist "woke artists" in town is that she's so crazy and so toxic that doesn't even know how to do it right. The only way this crazy person gets attention in the comedy world is to scream "RAPE" as many times as possible yet when people actually try to do things for her, look what she does.

She's also a complete fraud like most of these woke artists. She screes about everything that doesn't benefit her and everyone who "works for the enemy." Yet she's okay with her friends working for "EVIL CIS WHITE MALE RAPISTS" and she folds immediately when pressured by record label officials or prominent comedy figures when it threatens her delusions of a comedy career.

Thanks for empowering these people with your weekly "arts" magazine with your woke pieces on con-artists like this and "tragic eyed" comedians.


What's even funnier is Sean Nelson hasn't even worked for The Stranger for nearly a year and he's down in Tennessee. Natalie Holt is supposedly angry about something from a long time ago from someone who hasn't been involved with The Stranger in nearly a year. She is trying to rally people to attack The Stranger to try to make it even more "woke" when Dave Siegel is already the town bicycle for "woke" comedy despite The Stranger's readership reviling it. And she does this all within an hour of The Stranger promoting her and after years of The Stranger trying to kill anything but "woke" comedy in this town.

This is how ludicrous this all is.


Fuck all the comments shitting on natalie -

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