Crime Jun 4, 2024 at 3:41 pm

He Fed His Victims to Pigs, He Was Killed with a Toothbrush and Broken Broom Handle

A memorial for the more than 50 missing women near Robert Pickford's pig farm April 4, 2002 in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. Don MacKinnon / Stringer



Just like the Green River Killer, Pig F*cker was ID'd by a victim's mother as the perpetrator and the cops DNGAF. Decades later, after dozens and dozens of additional victims, the cops finally put him away. He definitely deserved to die the way he died, only about 100X over. A vicious, disgusting POS.


*to be clearer the cops knew who the GRK was decades before they "caught" him and the cops knew this guy was killing women at his pig farm "underground club" and their depraved indifference to life (specifically the girls and women's lives being taken by these serial killers) meant they just shrugged their shoulders and did nothing until they decided to pretend they gave a shit.


Police exist to protect not the public but property, specifically that of the capitalist class.


"The family members are of the opinion that Pickton, who exited at age 74, surely suffered, but not nearly enough. "

I have not been in the position of the victim's families but I find this desire for infinite painful revenge shocking. Horrific murders followed by the horrendous execution of the murderer by another inmate, and yet most everyone seems to want more blood. I don't see how this continuing cycle of death by violent means is going to help anyone recover sanity and peace.


@6: Although I agree with your sentiment, I think you shouldn’t worry overmuch about Charles, who as usual, states his unfounded opinion as if it actually was a fact. The embedded tweet doesn’t support Charles’ quote, and neither does the CNN story linked in the tweet. (I don’t have X/Twitter, so I can’t say for certain I’ve read everything in that tweet.)

For an idea of the difference between Charles’ “reporting” and what actually happened, you may compare Charles’ version, which implies Amazon had a book deal with Picton:

“ … a character who had the nerve to write and publish a memoir that basically praised and exonerated himself, Pickton: In His Own Words. (Amazon distributed the book.)”

With CNN’s account, at the aforementioned link:

“In 2016, a book allegedly written by Pickton and smuggled out of prison was published and offered for sale on Amazon but was quickly withdrawn following a public backlash.”


"...and so he took the sharp end and he stuck it into his nose, up into his skull." Yikes!! But sounds like it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. 33/49/65 women???!!! Yikes again!!
"...and then fed them to the pigs at his farm in..." So that means the guy was a fan of the movie Snatch, no?

But this (and that Abbotsford guy) is another example of what nonsense it is that America is the only one with the gun/murder problem. Yeah, we've got a lot of idiots with guns. But when people want to kill each other, they find a way.

For me, this always points to a huge reason to not have children. (And I always wonder if the reason so many children are conceived seemingly by poor people is because they don't have the knowledge or the resources to avoid conception, which then leads me to a contemplation of the miserable education system in the USA.) I don't want to get into arguments about eugenics or if people have a right to have children. But it's simply true that if you're poor, your children start out at a disadvantage. (Which then always brings me to a contemplation of the possibility that a charitable,cooperative society might be better than a competitive society. You know, contemplation & philosophy really suck. "He who increases knowledge, increases sorrow." really is true.)


@2, "the cops knew....and their depraved indifference to life.....meant they just shrugged their shoulders and did nothing " See, and not to defend the cops....who really is us and our dislike of spending tax dollars....but how is this indifference by police different from the indifference of the parents who drop children on this earth and let them wander around unprotected?

@6, Yeah, I think it's just a thought rather than an expression of political will. For example, I'm against the death penalty in principal, but I think you do a favor for guys like this if you put them to death. I think that life in prison is a far worse punishment than the death penalty. I doubt very much that I could survive long in prison. Even if no one killed me, I'd probably have trouble not killing myself as an escape.

@7, I'm also not a fan of Charles' reporting. But I didn't get an implication that Chuckie was saying that Amazon published his book: "...had the nerve to write and publish a memoir...(Amazon distributed the book.)" I took it that he was just remarking that the book might have been widely distributed, not necessarily published by Amazon.
I wrote a book. Amazon & the thieves selling on Amazon steal & sell my book when they can. But they didn't publish it. (I once bought a copy of my book on Amazon. The royalty didn't show up in my publisher's account. But you've got to prove wholesale theft to make it worth a lawsuit. Bezos & Trump: Thieves of a feather IMHO.)

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