Death May 31, 2024 at 12:32 pm

If a Deadbot Can’t Imitate Life in Any Real Sense, Then What Can It Do? Make Money.

Your AI ghost haunting you... FangXiaNuo/Getty Images



A non-dynamic life might not be as bad as you imagine. I'd be willing to try it after this one.


"... AI technology
[might] be racing ahead
of respect for human dignity"

look no further than a lucky
few of our Masters of Tech, Zucky*
Muxxy et al for fine examples of human dignity.

*rating women's faces
& promoting reich-
wing 'values' - the
Secrets of their

profiteering from
artificial intelligence'll
be no different than promoting
authoritarianism, Big Fossil, slavery & misogyny:

the Money
makes it


As someone educated by the Jesuits with the understanding that I would join the cult, but learned critical thinking first, sorry, no! There are no real rewards in life that will not survive peer review.


Shouldn't we want Boeing to succeed in engineering as well as ethics to solve problems with math and good science? Tens to your variables and the quality and usefulness will escalate in kind with the honest profit of mutual empowerment through unadulterated trust.

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