
Callan - did you get forced into a jukebox choral singalong of "American Pie"???
@1 No, but that did happen to me at a Japanese high school once.
I wonder how many "reputable" imported beers (and ales and "stouts") in the US are basically considered shit in their home countries.
Thank you, Callan.
I identify very strongly with the panel following the scotch/champagne monstrosity.

Glad to see more of your work on Slog, Callan.
@5 Thanks! I took some time off but will be back with more regularity in the coming weeks. (also it was pretty good once i tried it)
Second that. Love your stuff Callan!
@7 Third. Big-time third.
@3 - the lager advertised internationally as being "Australian for beer" is so shit that it is effectively made for export only.
"St. Pauli Girl" is an off-brand produced by Beck's in Bremen, northern Germany. It does not exist in its home country. In addition, St. Pauli is a neighborhood in Hamburg (I lived there for a few years). And it's shit beer. Most German beers are ultra-overrated.
Thank you, Callan! Bravo for a new classic.
When my (sorry, “me”) wife and I were in Dublin a few years ago, the craft brewing scene was really going. In Temple Bar alone, we visited several old, dark bars (places in which Jon Swift hisself once drank, or so the proprietors claimed) which now sported new brite tanks. And yes, the Guinness was as good as it is anywhere else.

Thanks for the great cartoon! Please keep ‘em coming.
Considering the popularity of stouts here (oatmeal, chocolate, etc.) I don't know why you're surprised that Guinness is popular.
When I was in Ireland people were drinking Bud w/ ice cubes in it
Why did the bartender stop being nice when you mentioned Kurt Cobain?
Just loved the ending, great punchline. I like the longer strip too, more is better. And besides, sometimes life just won't allow us to cram everything into just one cartoon panel.

Been to England, like to visit Ireland too. And boy am I ever prepared, my Irish friends are some of the funniest people I know and they have graciously if unknowingly allowed me to steal all their good Irish jokes. I'm reminded of the one about Tiny O'Toole and his brother Enormous Johnson.....
@15 kcrobinson: I was wondering about that, too. What didn't the bartender like about Kurt Cobain and / or Nirvana?
@17 Rick From Texas: I think I know the punchline: Two spotted dicks?
@15, maybe the bartender was old enough to listen to Nirvana when they were still around, and didn't want to be reminded he was young enough to be her son.

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