
Be careful with those 222's; eating too many of the can cause a very upset stomach.
Really? Suggesting an opiate to treat a hangover?

Besides being irresponsible that's potentially dangerous if you still have alcohol in your system..
The competent sage!
Good Afternoon Charles,
I like the fact that you dig Eno. I have "Ambient: Music for Airports" (1974). Wonderful, soothing music.
Wait, you stop drinking long enough to actually have a hangover?
Detroiter, I've slipped across the border on more than a few occasions; and on a few of those occasions I've taken 222's.
I would recommend against them for two reasons.
1. Even though they only contain a tiny amount of codeine, I believe it's about 8 milligrams, any amount of codeine when used regularly can lead to addiction.
2. 222's are illegal here in the States.
You heard it here first, folks:

The cure to alcohol abuse is opiate abuse.

Well done, Mudede. Totally funny-hilarious and not at all tone-deaf or pernicious (or classist - which of your fellow-citizens have access to these grey-market Canadian opiates?) in the face of the crisis facing tens of thousands of real people living in your habitually fetishized Urban Area.

Congrats, troll accomplished. But what an asshole you are!
The secret is water. Water, water, water. Water before, during, and after drinking. Water until you piss like a racehorse, and indeed, you may even piss yourself if you're classless or that just happens to be your thing, but I'll tell you what, you'll be sober as a judge when you wake up in your own piss the next morning. Water in abundance is your friend, absolutely.
Ugh. Reading this post reminds me how wonderful it is that I quit. To accommodate hangovers in our schedules to have some "fun" is kind of tragic in the long run. Still, cheers to those who indulge, but double down on what @9 said.
I had no idea that so many Christians read the Slog.
@11: But my dear, it was our Savior who turned water into wine!
@11. Your writing makes so much more sense in this context.
Charles, actually I am a deist. Again, while 222's are fine and good for a headache, if you try to take, say a handful to get off, all you will achieve is a terribly upset stomach. they can be habit forming though not in mass quantity.

Well, at least you're sticking to your guns there I suppose, doubling right down on being an asshole.
@15: In all fairness, he does have a pretty fierce hangover.
#9 has the right idea sort of. Be hydrated and eat some good food. Fast food is not good, soda pop does not hydrate. Put water in your bourbon or scotch, and chase it with more water. Avoid tequila and any drink with simple syrup or sugar. Fucking sleep! Drink coffee but only after you have slept as long as you can.
@11 Okay, I'll defend you on this one. Prudes.
Hangovers are caused by the trace amounts of other compounds (e.g. butanol, isopropanol) produced by the microbes that fermented the starting material, which your body has a hard time getting rid of. The more different types of those compounds that you take in, the harder it is to get rid of, so sticking to one form of alcohol will generally help you from getting a hangover. How fast you can get rid of those trace elements can vary from person to person based on your genetics, so which type and brand of alcohol will vary. And staying hydrated will allow you to get rid of those trace materials faster. Aspirin opens your blood vessels a bit to allow your body to get those out of your brain faster, but only if you stay hydrated. #17 is correct that sugary drinks do not hydrate you (sugar absorbs water), but sugar-free drinks (including diet sodas) will.
only 1 or 2 commenters say anything positive about Mudede's post, but in this case he's dead-on correct. if exactly none of you have brought 2-2-2s back across the border, you're doing it wrong.
@20 That's the current best-fit theory. Mild methanol poisoning by your own system is still in the running as a contributing factor. I wouldn't recommend aspirin during heavy drinking, though, not so much because I'm worried about stomach bleeding, but because I've had friends get hammered to the point of being unable to recognize which pills they're about to take.

It's not much of a concern for veteran drinkers with a high tolerance, of course, but if you're planning on getting fucked up, especially on multiple substances (more power to you, of course. As The Devil Makes Three wisely observed, if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right), take a page from dedicated psychonauts and plan out the night--dose and all--in advance, to the extent that can be expected. Only novices go in with no game plan at all.

I don't need fairy tales or sky Gods to recognize a bad idea when I see one.
Raindrop dear, a child would have to be quite stupid indeed to regard Charles as either “hip” or “cool”
Wait, that picture is not of a -- a KINDLE, is it?!? Someone alert the factions, our voice of reason is a shameless consumer shill of the Evil Empire that shall decimate us all! And I can't get 222s on so this is clearly fake news, nothing but a shameless ad for the Evil Overlord Kindle Fire tablet that has actually quite good sound reproduction when listening to ambient music! Someone inform Kshama! Charles has been compromised! We must march on Canada!

Biologist in the stix: "sugar-free drinks (including diet sodas) will [hydrate]." yuck.
I had no idea.... Thanks!

So, Bitsy, can one hydrate with beer?

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