

Democrats used to be big on lynching.
Come on, you know you want to.....



And Republicans used to have integrity, morals, and not into blindly following a lying, pussy-grabbing former reality TV host, so, what's your point?


Thank you, Katie, for spelling "meting out punishment" correctly. Some crimes are beyond redemption.



I'm pretty certain that Republicans blindly following a lying, pussy-grabbing former reality TV host is a decidedly more recent development...


I don't doubt the rich, white celebrities will be able to move on from their disgrace -- even tho, as is the case with Rose, they obviously still haven't "gotten it."

But brilliant suggestion on the only way a Rose show would work.

Meanwhile, yes, the sex registry will be abused for the non celebrities.

My step nephew in his late 20s was dating an older woman of 40 -- ex husband accused the late 20 something of assaulting the 15 year old daughter.


Ugh, I thought this was a joke! Who on earth think this show would be a good idea?


I generally don't like the creation of a social second class of unredeemable people, but asking Rose to interview 'the men of #metoo' sounds like a total troll-move.

Honestly, I don't think our society is prepared to learn anything from such a series. Invariably, this will lead towards "compassion" towards the interviewees, and the Progressive reaction will be predictable: These guys don't deserve compassion compared to all the other people who do; then the right wing will rally around it in yet another left-right Proxy War.


Funny you would use a female as an example and not a male. Still want to steer clear of males falsely accused, and males who experience sexual assault?


Charlie, this is a bad idea. Seriously, don't go there.

Woody Allen's most recent film, "Wonder Wheel" was a commercial and critical flop. Why? Because he went 'there'. He actually wrote a script and produced a film that mirrors some of his more recent personal and controversial life. And, it was released during the #Metoo movement.

No, don't go there.

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