
Is Clinton even running a good campaign? I know she's out and about, but she seems to have the cultural impact of Trevor Noah. She should have been putting out a nickname for her opponent like "Traitor Trump" to counter the Crooked Hillary tag.

How pervasive is the Crooked Hillary tag? Right now I am using the speech software on my phone, and it automatically capitalized the letter C in Crooked Hillary.
It's amazing to me how Assange and Wikileaks have sacrificed every last shred of their integrity and reputation on the altar of this election. If Hillary wins, they're done forever.
Gahhh! Whichever way this turns out on Tuesday, I'll never get over the fact that 40% of my countrypersons are this stupid. I gotta get out of here.
I used to feel conflicted about Assange and wikileaks but this election has cleared that right up so...silver lining???
Mmmmm, spirit cooking. Come Nov 9th there's going to be such a glut of white male tears, there won't be enough recipes in the world to use them all up.
I can't wait until the RWNJ's suddenly discover that hard liquor is also referred to as "spirits"...
@4 Assange is hiding in that embassy to avoid being extradited to Sweden for sex crimes! What's there to be conflicted about? Of course he'd want Trump to win!
Well I know it's kinda zany but I like to wait for a trial before I decide someone is guilty and I find his fear that the U.S. would use that as a chance to scoop him up and throw away the key totally plausible since that's basically what happened to Manning.
I also consider the concept of an organization willing to help whistleblowers expose government wrongdoing to be worthwhile regardless of the alleged crimes of it's founder.
But hey I'm sure your black and white view of the world leads to a better night's sleep so good for you.

So, basically he's was using the "Trump Defense" before Trump had to use it. Makes sense: peas-in-pods.
I will add that I think knee-jerk acceptance of every claim of rape without even looking at the evidence is almost as bad for rape victims as knee-jerk disbelief. Or more precisely the former emboldens the latter. Look no further than the Rolling Stone/UVA debacle.
I have no idea if Assange raped anyone. Entirely possible he did but like I said in the absence of a trail and conviction you can leave me out of the pitchfork wielding mob.
I'm inclined to think that Assange is a twit, but he does kind of have a pretty good reason for his vendetta given just how preposterous it is to have Interpol after you for a 'sex crime' case that lacks actual plaintiffs. I guess maybe he is calculating that Trump is likely pretty OK with sex crimes so he better do his best to get him elected if he hopes to catch some fresh air any time soon.

Fun fact: that's Dave Grohl playing Satan in the photo at the top of this post (courtesy of the Tenacious D movie.)

Good god, though, am I feeling physically ill at the prospect of Donald Trump becoming president on Tuesday. How any of you can be out partying on the last Friday night of the western world is beyond me.
P.S. "Spirit Cooking" is why I hate artists. Are we really going to lose our democracy and 2000 years of progress because of this inane bullshit? (Disclaimer: I am being facetious about hating artists.)
@14: I don't disagree that there should be a trial but I also can't really fault Assange for thinking that he'd be letting himself in for whoooooole lot more than a rape charge if he turned himself in to an extradition treaty country.
I mean I don't think he's like a swell guy or anything (def not after this election) but you gotta admit asking why, if he's innocent, he doesn't just go in for questioning on this rape thing is a bit facetious.
marina abramovic as weaponized misinformation? there is no bottom.

Only a few more days, but then there's a good chance of 4 more years. And if Hillary DOES win, the Republicans have already pledged to impeach her and filibuster everything, and they won't be punished.

I'd bet she just assumed, like so many of us, that she'd not really have to run any campaign. That Trump would just bury himself in a landslide of shit-brained, racist, sexist scandals and statements that'd render the whole campaign meaningless and she'd win in a runaway. Perhaps her biggest mistake was in simply underestimating the populace's own stupidity and tolerance for shit-brained, racist, sexist idiocy.

edit: I'd not even call it *tolerance* for said idiocy, but rather enthusiasm for it.
@23: comprehend better.
@18 - Seconded.
I think the confusion would be cleared up if @9 read "and also THAT the alleged victims...".
The way it's worded makes it sound like it's your opinion, when clearly it isn't.

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