

Good! Schumer should go before Pelosi. Pelosi passed the ACA. Let's not let the Republicans dictate our Speaker. Also, is the hate for Pelosi pure misogyny? looks like it.


This ought to be a fun thread...getting the popcorn ready


It seems that progressive is the new code word for socialist and that there are a few socialists in democrat clothing.


Employees repping for the boss. I don't understand why anyone world be surprised, it's a political party with history that humans remember. Pelosi's thirty years of unbelievable fundraising have to be repaid if the party wants to run competitive campaigns


Pelosi and Schumer presided over some of the worst election. judiciary, and financial losses for a political party in modern American history.

I have no idea why anyone would still be comfortable with them leading the charge, other than the simple reason of "we have no one else."


I don't know any progressives that voted to invade Iraq, for the patriot Act, to increase an already bloated war budget while promoting a pay as you go rule for everything else, etc... Pelosi will also block all attempts at impeaching Trump and on the contrary will compromise with him, which will turn off youth and independents from voting in 2020


@5 "I have no idea why anyone would still be comfortable with them leading the charge, other than the simple reason of "we have no one else."

Everyone is entitled to their opinions of Nancy Pelosi's accomplishments and failures. But its just a fact that you need "someone else" if you are going to have someone else be speaker.


@7 error, she voted against the use of force against Iraq.


I think she'd be fine. And anyway, she's already stated she'd be serving as a "bridge" until such a time as a viable long term nominee presented his or herself.


@7 you know our own Mr. Savage was a war supporter as well, right?


It was the GOP base's insistence on putting a "non-politician" with no governmental or legislative experience into arguably the most important elected political position on the planet - why would anyone think that pushing the Democrats to do almost exactly the same thing vis-a-vis arguably the third most important position in Congress (after the Senate Majority Leader, and President Pro-Tem of the Senate - AKA the Vice President) would be a GOOD idea? We've seen what results from handing the reins of power to someone with a demonstrable lack of experience and expertise; we should not be making the same mistake on our side of the aisle.

That said, if the Progressive wing of the Party believes they can field a qualified challenger who has, not exactly, but even a remotely similar level of knowledge, experience, and ability to get results, as Pelosi has exhibited, then by all means, make it a race.



God damn it, that's right! Fucking going to pull out all stops now to oppose him becoming Speaker.


Only goes to show Pramila is a Faux Prog: Pelosi -when Speaker of the House WITH a Dem majority - did NOTHING relating to investigating Bush 2 war crimes nor electoral fraud. --- littlesis dot org & theyrule dot net & politicalcompass dot org/test .


@Eilabun : Are you self-classified as racially "White"? Because that type of rhetoric historically comes from White Supremacists constantly moving the semantic goalposts ( in their futile attempt at downplaying Socialism for Whites policies in places like . . . America . . . . #WhiteFragility ).


Butch of bitches who can't pass a state income tax saying who is and isn't "progressive." I hate Washington.

FYI, why are there still comment threads on Slog? Y'all should kill them. Turn them off already.


I read Dawn Darington as Dawn


@13 what's the difference? Literally.

If you think supporting the war is disqualifying to serve as speaker, why don't you think it's disqualifying for anything else? Why is it that you think it's an issue that could ONLY imply to the speaker of the house?

I mean, like, shouldn't you be calling for the impeachment of every elected who supported the war? otherwise, you'd just be a hot air lip flapper with nothing of value to say.,


@15....Don't worry about it.



You're right. Impeach Dan Savage immediately! He shall not serve another day in office!!


In a year when the stranger's best political writers left the paper, it sure is heartening to be reminded they've been replaced by someone who treats her readers to this kind of crackerjack cutting edge journalism. "Leftier-than-thou idiots exist, troll politician's Facebook page." I can almost smell the Pulitzer.


Hopefully she's just playing the game. Doing what she's gotsta do to get on committe blah blah blah. Fingers crossed...


Go, Pramila Jayapal! Nancy Pelosi!! Nancy Pelosi! Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House, and may the Blue Wave wash clean! Time to jackboot Mitch McDumbbell but good.
@7 anon1256: How do you reach the conclusion that Nancy Pelosi will side with Donald Jackass Trump, of all heartless white collar RepubliKKKan criminals, and turn away voters in 2020?
@11: Hell yeah Dan the Man Savage supports wars...the War on Xenophobia. Homophobia, Gender Inequality, Racism, Misogyny and Fascism. I support that, too, Sporty. Thanks for the reminder.


@5: You're dumb.


@20 well it's like, do you have a principle?

Why isn't Pelosi a good fit for speaker? Apparently, because she showed bad judgement on an important issue and can't be trusted to show good judgement in the future, right?

OK, so people without good judgement shouldn't be speaker of the house... But of course, they shouldn't be an elected official by that standard either. Or appealing to large groups of people and influencing them with their bad judgement, right? That's no less dangerous or impactful as a politician - look at Rush Limbaugh and his impact of America.

So you're left with what? By principle, you have to exclude fan from public life just as with Pelosi...

Or you can drop your stupid "supporting the Iraq war in 2003 is disqualifying" stance. There's no other defensible option


Stop staying Nancy Pelosi supported the Iraq invasion. She didn't.


this, after endorsing Adam Smith over Sarah Smith in CD09, has the potential to significantly reduce enthusiasm in Jayapal's 2020 campaign for the 7th.


You can tell Pramila Jayapal isn't two-faced. Otherwise, why would she wear this ugly one? So typical of a Democrat. She runs as pro-immigrant only to tow the line of a party that has deported more than 2,500,000 immigrants in the last ten years. This ratchet-faced monster just threw immigrants under the bus for a chance to suck on Nancy Pelosi's nasty old tits. Seattle voted for this bitch. Seattle deserves this bitch.


Pramila Jayapal is just another Democrat standing in line to lick Donald Trump's asshole.



Yeah, I got what you were saying.. I just couldn't resist being an ass.

I disagree with Dan's support of the invasion. Maybe he's changed his mind. I disagree with any elected official that supported it. That doesn't necessarily "disqualify" anyone .... but I do hold my elected representatives to different standards of accountability than my sex advice columnists.

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