

The democratic advantage in the 1974 house popular vote was 17 percentage points. The 8.8mm this time around is half that, because the elctorate is larger.

It was a wave, but discontent with Trump is not greater than discontent with Nixon. Apples, oranges, embarrassing argument.


Yeah, per-capita, or better yet, per-registered-voter percentages are much more meaningful than raw numbers of votes.


β€œIn 1974, after a special counsel investigation brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon, a wave of voter anger gave Democrats control of the US House.β€œ

The Democrats had control of the House since 1955, and would continue through 1995. Wikipedia can be handy sometimes.


Thank you, Eli. Keep up the good work. Let's hope this trend continues and the Blue Wave washes clean. Death to the GOP, and Trump / Pence ad nauseum for Prison 2020--preferably in Siberia.

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