

This schmo made a CAREER siphoning money from rich GOP mouth-breathers.
By never getting elected he ensured he would never be accountable to anyone for that cash.
All he had to do was mince about in front of cameras spouting the latest GOP claptrap and collect.
Brilliant from a capitalist perspective.


what a creepy post


With a nod toward @1: recall the central plot of "The Producers"? (raise lots of funding for a 'guaranteed' failure in order to keep the funding) Makes one almost wonder what hell to pay Rossi would be in if he won (by accident)


Good. He'll do no harm there.


~5 A wing-nut in Disneyland will wilt the flowers.


Rich, you should have danced around him singing "Mickey and Goofy get Gay Benefits!"


This is pathetic.



You're correct. As everyone knows: Disneyland is for Winners. Rossi should have taken his family somewhere more appropriate, like this place:


I wouldn't have thought it possible to feel sympathy for this brazen political hack, but your creepy paparazzi stalking of his family on their vacation has proven me wrong. Nice work.


@1: Maybe he could re-loot his Forward Washington Foundation?


There were no photos of Rossi on the mermaid ride, or photos of his family. Being in the same place as him at the same time, by chance, is not creepy. I was in the same restaurant as a local TV meteorologist once, in the 1990s, so I'm creepy too?


So what is it, like three more words from Teddy about this silly post than he ever posted about incendiary bigots like Seattleblues?


Which costume was Rossi wearing--Goofy or Dopey? Only with Dino it's more like Doofy or Gropey.
@15 German Sausage: I think siccing (sicking?) an unvaccinated child with acute chicken pox on Dino would work quite nicely. Particularly before a roller coaster ride--Space or Splash Mountain or the Matterhorn Bobsleds.


Dino is a shitty person, but this is kind of a shitty post. The guy lost. There is no reason to spend another minute writing about him. Let him be along in his misery with his family.



Wrong. Nearly all modern republican campaigns are essentially either extended reality show/Fox news auditions/Think Tank Trail Balloons and/or outright grifts.

And lest you forget, it was republican lobbying and republican politicians that tortured campaign finance laws, defanged disclosure laws, and gutted the oversight of campaigns to allow them to line their own pockets. The republican party has completely normalized this grift. To naively claim Dino Rossi is some exception to this system is ignorant in the extreme. He wouldn't be running as a republican if he didn't tacitly engage or at least tolerate in this routine theft.


It is really amazing of just how much hatred is being heaped upon Dino Rossi. Sure, he is a political opponent but he lost and big time. I would say that he is now washed up, at least politically. I'm just wondering if this attitude towards him is a small, free sample of what the socialists intend to do with the people who opposed them should the socialists ever achieve full power. I didn't like the man either but then I don't believe in kicking a man when he is down. That kind of attitude is only for haters.


12 Dino is a public figure by his own promotion, you dipstick. No privacy for him, by his own choice. If Rich had been tucker carlston, the schmuck would have begun happily claptrapping on cue.



One would have thought his political career was washed up when he lost his second gubernatorial election to Gregoire in 2008 (and given his subsequent track record, one could also reasonably argue that in fact it was), but the problem with Rossi is the same as with the proverbial bad penny - it just keeps coming back. You would think four straight election defeats would be a clear signal that maybe politics isn't his forte and he should pursue another career path, but Dino The Dinosaur never seems to get the message.


Hey, Pedophile Leftist Ed Murray was spotted on vacation in Paris the same week he claimed he couldn't afford to play the $72,000 the city made taxpayers pay to one of his rape victims.

At least Dino didn't saddle us with that kind of bill.


What @18 said... How is Rossi going to Disneyland “news”? If this news, then stop complaining about KING reporting on the Kardashians or other non-relevant crap.


You guys and Rossi. You’re like the righties who obsess over Hilary.


@23: I suggest you take your complaint to the City Attorney, who declined to contest the suit in court.

(Also, you might in future want to avoid swallowing the emissions of male convicts — even if it is something you deeply enjoy.)


@20 Eilabun: Hatred? Yes, I remember all the furious Republican voters for Rossi hotly demanding a recount after incumbent Governor Christine Gregoire legitimately won her re-election bid. Twice.
@22 COMTE for the win.
@23 Dino Rossi's Defending Guy: Former Seattle Mayor Ed Murray never publicly boasted that he'd go doorbelling the ladies of District 8, acting as if he were God, grinning like an egg-suck dog, and forever defending the Gropist-in-Chief, Mein Trumpfy, either.
@24 Teslick: You're right--this is a puff piece, not news. But I think COMTE (@22) has a valid point: some people should not be in politics and should also know when to quit. Dino Rossi epitomizes a bad penny that stubbornly keeps turning up.


@27.....Yes Auntie, I remember the 2004 election and at firstRossi was considered the winner but after two recounts Gregoire was declared the winner. It seems that in King County the Democrats found some supposedly uncounted votes that pushed Gregoire ahead. But anyway that was then and this is now. You don't like him a bit, no sense in having a fit, get over your hatred.


@28 Eilabun: "You don't like him a bit
No sense in having a fit."
Wow, Ellie, You're a poet and didn't even know it! Why don't you get over your blanket hatred accusations of those with opposing points of view instead? If you're pissed that Dino Rossi lost again, deal with it.


In a weird sort of way, I'm glad that Rossi runs for office.

Not because I want him to win. It;'s just that I know he's going to lose every single time, and the state GOP will waste beaucoup bucks to bankroll his ballot bullshit, breaking their banks. That's less money to spend on something that might actually win.


@29....Hateful......Moi?!! It seems that you, et al, get off on beating a dead horse. As I said, Rossi is washed up, a loser; he's really nothing to worry about so I wonder why Rich Smith spends so much time writing about him. True, he tries and tries but Rossi is done for, a lost cause, old news. You could say the same for Tim Eyeman as well. But still and all keep stirring up that hatred and the more vituperative the better

One other point, Auntie dear, about me being a poet. That is something I cannot claim for myself. The credit belongs to Diane Hildebrand. Try to relax a bit and maybe go outfor a cheery walk; even on a rainy day it can be fun, you know, "The Rain, the Park, and Other Things".


Let sleeping Dawgs lie.


Unless they're Rabid.


@28: "I remember the 2004 election and at firstRossi was considered the winner..."

By a margin so thin the automatic recount was required. This recount cut his slender lead even further.

"..but after two recounts Gregoire was declared the winner."

Gregoire then exercised her option of paying for a third and final hand recount, which she won.

"It seems that in King County the Democrats found some supposedly uncounted votes that pushed Gregoire ahead."

Votes were found all over the state. Despite this, Republicans vilified just the King County Elections Department, trying to delegitimatize Gregoire's victory. They sued to have votes from King County (and only from King County) deleted, groundlessly claiming felons had voted for Gregoire in King County. During the trial, Democrats showed how felons residing in Democratic-leaning districts had voted for Rossi. These votes were subtracted from Rossi's total, enlarging Gregoire's margin of victory.

"But anyway that was then and this is now. [...] no sense in having a fit, get over your hatred."

We'd take your advice more seriously if you took it yourself.


So sad. Mr Rossi is a victim of the fake press in my opinion. Someone who really wants to serve. Someone very successful in business. Unlike the self serving haters that beat him (remember 2005 with 160,000 vote change in manual recount) and this year with 37,000 duplicate ballots in King County. Great family person, great man. Record $$$ spent by Schrier's Liars. At least she will no longer have to treat the poor. Now, she represents them????


Tensor, thank you for throwing Light over
EilAbun's shade/historical revisioning.

Calling out misinformation is as American as Chevrolet and apple pie!


@34 tensor: I second kristofarian (@36). Thank you and bless you. I could not have summarized Christine Gregoire's triumphant, however hard fought victories over Dino Rossi any better.
@35 HorseshitRossiApologistGuy: How much is Dino paying you? If you honestly believe that, I've got prime real estate in the Okefenokee Swamp I'd love to sell ya. Watch out for gators.


@37: Thank you for your kind words.

Successful con men, like Dino Rossi, do not succeed by paying suckers. He succeeds by getting suckers to pay him. It appears he still has some suckers paying him tribute, right here in this very threaf! :-)

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