Elections 2023 Sep 21, 2023 at 10:13 am

The Money’s in the Mailers, but the Victory Might Not Be

We spend hundreds of thousands of Democracy Vouchers (taxpayer dollars) on pieces of paper that a lot of people throw away. Anthony Keo



When I ran for office, the markup on printing (mailers, handouts, and yard signs) was a percentage of the total cost of the mailer, and was defined in the contract I signed with my political consultant. I could avoid some of that by making printing contracts directly with the printers.


I put those mailers in the recycling without so much as a glance. Isn't that what everyone does?


I’m sure The Stranger gives away ad space for less advantaged candidates.


I have never, never, never, never, never voted based on a mailer. My wife and I always vote a straight Stranger ticket. True story.


Why won’t anyone come out and say that tax subsidized policial campaigns fill our trash cans with useless mailers and prop up a whole political consultant industry. Oh and they have jacked up the cost of running a successful campaign.


They should use polls. Polls of old people with landlines who actually answer unidentified callers and people they don't know.



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