If you are reading this before 8 pm, you still have time to drop your ballot in one of these drop boxes!!! RS



Anyone who is dumb enough to fall for the fake USPS mailbox next to the legitmate voter drop off shouldn't be voting.


Like Catalina, I feel compelled to comment on that fake mailbox. Not at how blatant a knock-off it is, but just to ask, attempting to impersonate a USPS mailbox has got to be a federal crime, no?

Also, I realize this is not the piece of information I should be coming away from this report with, but about the crostini at Maren Costa's election night party--did anyone else look at that slab of wood on which all the crostini were placed and go all meta? Like, that's the big slice of toast on which all the little slices of toast were placed.


Costa and Hudson are toast.
Strauss is fine.
Morales squeaks by.
Lewis/Kettle and Davis/Rivera will go to recounts.


"a bunch of Trump donors and real estate moguls"

I think you mean "Seattle's voters" there, Sparky.


@4 assuming turnout hits 45% Morlaes needs 53.7% of remaining votes to win. Seems doable but D2 has the lowest turnout of any district at just under 21% so 45% may be a stretch.


"Welp! It really is looking like a bunch of Trump donors and real estate moguls successfully bought themselves a city council to pair with the Mayor they bought in 2021. In District 1, Maren Costa is down 18 points."

Maren Costa is going to lose because she supported The Worst Political Slogan In A Generation ("Defund the Police"). All the independent expenditures in the world wouldn't have mattered if they hadn't been able to tar and feather her with this totally accurate characterization.


With just a 1,200 vote lead, I don't see Tanya Woo hanging on after the next few ballot drops. But in any event, I don't think you'll be hearing the phrase"defund the police" in or near city hall anytime soon.


“I only want to be the labor candidate; I NEVER want to be the bought-by-billionaires candidate,

Bought by unions is still bought.



bought by
Rank & File as
opposed to bought
by Corps Americana LLC?


my sympathies
lie with Actual
Human Beings

not soulless

to Recalls as in
let the strongest
Sociopath who can
Profiteer off the Citizenry




Savor the irony: the Stranger’s lone bright spot in this election completes the Stranger’s disastrous sweep from the previous election. Once CM Mosqueda departs, all four of the candidates the Stranger endorsed for the November 2021 elections will be gone.

Let’s all hope Tanya Woo can hang on to victory. Otherwise, we can hope CM Morales learns the lesson CM Mosqueda did, and leaves before the end of her next term. Seattle deserves better.


8, what do you call the housing levy, far left too? Too bad, it passed.


Raindrop dear, 66% of Seattle are dreadful people? Maybe you should start looking for greener pastures. I hear Tallahassee is a lovely city.

In any event, I'd rather be a dreadful person than a horrible person. Republicans are horrible people.


@13 -- the housing levy has been in place for 37 years. It's an example of big city liberalism, not leftism. It's totally consistent with the results last night.


So you don’t have an issue with politicians that are bought and paid for as long as they align with your beliefs.
Congratulations! You’re no different than those Trump donors and real estate moguls.


I don't see much difference between the Trumpers who still think he built the wall and the progressives here who insist city council is doing a good job. Flip sides of the same coin but if you are in the snow globe, you can't see it. Perhaps all of the "triggered" and "traumatized" people should stay inside while we try to clean up the streets.


you don’t
have an issue
with politicians that
are bought and paid for..."

I Do. "Citizens
United" has made
nearly ALL Politicians
"Bought and Paid For"

that Pro-
POS legislation

"... as long as they
align with your beliefs."

YES -- IF they're
Human Beings
not soulless

yet Learned

might wanna
Work on


It’s a shame that Costa waited until election night to drop that “labor candidate” line; if she had said it earlier, she would be losing by an even greater margin.


Not at all surprised by these results. I usually vote Blue with a slight lean towards progressive. I have worked as a security officer in Downtown Seattle for 5 years and public safety is number one on every voter's agenda. We would like the Fentanyl addicted homeless criminals out of our city yesterday.

I did want at least one progressive to win, Ron Davis, in my district. The more I read about Maritza Rivera the more I disliked her. By all accounts, she sounds like a micromanaging tyrant. We don't need Karens like her anywhere.

Not my District but if Teresa Mosqueda--aka Latina Tracy Flick--can get defeated it would make my day. She was obnoxious in college at UW as well.


Hey, Mike, do you do townhouse condo electric heat pumps?




Hey — am I recalling correctly that the SECB used to make election-night visits to candidates that they DIDN’T endorse, apparently so they could dish out one more dose of snark?


Hey Seattleites,
I know that a bunch of you have moved out of the hell hole that was created by the liberals. You know how I know? You're bringing your f*cked up politics to Spokane!

So, just so you know, REAL Spokanites will NOT welcome your sorry a$$es in our city, especially when you bring your f*cking liberal votes to our city. WE WILL REJECT YOU EVERYWHERE YOU TRY TO MOVE IN EASTERN WASHINGTON.


GuyFawkes dear, Spokane needs all the help it can get. Downtown Spokane makes downtown Seattle look like downtown Bellevue. You people need to be protected from yourselves.

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