Elections 2023 Nov 8, 2023 at 4:58 pm

Mosqueda Takes the Lead

That's KING COUNTY Council Member Teresa Mosqueda to you. NATE GOWDY



What's up with the scare quotes, Rich?

'All the other "progressives" in the race'


Mosqueda didn't "take the lead"--she already had it. She added a bit to it.


@1: No True Progressives would lose like this…


why do 3/5
of tS's commen-
tariat hate demo-
cratic Socialism &
or Progresssivism?

70% of the Electorate
prefers Progressive
policies -- Tax the
Rich, Fund the
Safety Net &
make Child-
care Afford-
able. not to


@5: In case you’re unaware, less than 50% of the Seattle electorate is currently supporting “Progressive” (as the Stranger now puts in quotes) candidates.

So, either your numbers are totally off, or what the Stranger has been pushing isn’t “Progressive”. Your choice.


I am by nature a "progressive", but I voted for Tanya Woo because I think a lesson needs to be learned: It's wonderful to advocate for oppressed people, but you also have to tend to district business, and I wasn't seeing that from Tammy Morales. The stranger likes to gush about "improvements" to Rainier Ave, but nobody talks about the spate of arsons or the burned out buildings that were only removed because people complained about them so much (and the Rainier "improvements" are largely either ignored or are pushing frustrated drivers onto side streets).


@5, people want progressive things for themselves, but if there's a risk other people might be helped then all of a sudden it's time to pinch pennies and buy into fear mongering


@5 But the policies here don't tax the rich. They tax the middle. Or they tax businesses that just pass along the tax in higher prices. Meanwhile, the rich laugh and enjoy their tax haven.

I'm all for taxing the rich. Maybe try it for a change?


What Catalina said!
I frequently walk along Rainier Ave S, where several businesses were torched into non-existence. In the ID, I can point to businesses I used to go to that are gone.
How is it “pro- minority” to let neighborhoods decay while the minority owners - who have been there for a couple generations- have to quietly watch this destruction?


@11 You’ve summed up the Mosqueda Dilemma: is it worse for her to move to the County Council, or have her come back to be outvoted in her final City Council term?

If it’s the latter, maybe she can learn to install heat pumps with Mike O’Brien. (BTW, it’s good to see him doing something useful for a change!)


@7 I used to always vote the Stranger "progressive" slate, but not this time. I am a low income renter in district 2 who has lived in this district for 15 years. The past 5 years the decline of the neighborhood has been heartbreaking. I live one block from Rainier Ave. and have seen the close of immigrant owned restaurants and burned out businesses. A vacant house on my quiet block was torched. A guy was murdered right next to the current site of Tent City 3. A homeless guy smoking fentanyl in a stairwell of my apartment building set a fire in the stairwell when he was politely asked to leave. Tammy Morales while she has done some good things for non profits and food access has been a disaster for our district and especially the Little Saigon neighborhood. She is completely disconnected to reality. Most of my neighbors are folks of color and immigrants who share my view that we need to shift to a more moderate city council. I voted for Woo even though I received some blow back from my white activist friends who have a lot more resources than me and don't have to put up with the crap that I and my neighbors have to endure.


We've known for a long time that voters are intellectually lazy. There is little reason to think that voters on the left are any different. Do you think the average voter is reading policy papers, and studying up on the various approaches to solve the many problems we have? Of course not. Holy shit, just look at homelessness. UW professors wrote a book that was literally called "Homelessness is a Housing Problem". UW Professors! You know, fucking experts from our local, world-class university. Yet when someone is discussing homelessness, they fucking ignore this issue. They focus on drugs, sweeps, and a dozen other issues instead of real solutions.

So we shouldn't be surprised in the least if ignorant voters become reactionaries. They blame the city council for problems they had nothing to do with (like 7, 12 and 14). They ignore real solutions, and look for magical ones promoted by people who don't bother to vote most of the time. They are easily swayed by attack ads, that again don't focus on solutions, only blame. The irony, of course, is that many of the newcomers who prioritized homelessness want to enact policies that will only make it worse. They will fight tooth and nail to preserve an historically racist and currently classist set of zoning regulations, all the time refusing to connect the dots between those polices and homelessness.


Sorry your butt is so hurt, Ross Dear. It must be so frustrating to be the smartest kid in the room and have no one acknowledge it.

I don't know why you're dragging the UW into this, but despite all the supposed brilliance of that institution, I sure don't see them throwing any of their vast resources into improving the Ave, or solving the issue of homelessness. Perhaps they're just consumed by the old "Publish or Perish" mantra.

But take solace that Tammy Morales will probably squeak through and retain her seat, so that she can continue to not take action on issues in her district.


@15 how many times does @4 have to post debunking that study? You keep bringing it up like it's some holy gospel and it's nothing than more than a partisan study designed to tell readers exactly what they want to hear. Unlike you I have no doubt the city council and their policies have directly contributed to the quality of life decline in the city and it looks like the majority of voters also have reached that conclusion.

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