

With a “conservative” majority on the council, Strauss will simply fall in line (Tammy will be the lone progressive vote which will limit the damage she can do). My hope is D2 will learn from D3 (Joy should be the blueprint for a decisive victory) and build upon the work of Tanya.

It will be nice to have some sanity once again with the council chambers.


Lewis flip-flopping on his concession would be chef’s kiss.


In fairness to Tanya Woo, she is a local organizer who wants to do good for her community. And I can point to businesses in the ID that I went to but are now closed.
The point really isn't villifying people who run for office, but finding the combination of elected officials who will benefit voters.
Trust me, the nervousness arount south Seattle voters in regards to crime is very very real.
I am a lifelong Democrat walking up and down Rainier Ave S. Will something bad happen? Sure hope not - but who knows?


@3, 100%. Tanya’s been involved in her community for years, and it takes guts to run for office! There’s no point in denigrating that.


@6 - this is the Stranger. Anyone who doesn't kiss Kshama's ring/ass/whatever gets denigrated. It's like a rule.


Davis will win.


AND you got it right on the school board races!!!! Thank you for your hard work digging and endorsing the right people despite the self proclaimed “Seattle Progressive Parents”. That video on Insta was bomb


@10 There's more than 2000 remaining votes left in D4.


D2 voter here. I'm sorry but the Woo knee jerk doesn't impress and I won't blame Morales for problems that extend well beyond the city. Cops and more cops will not solve any problems. Glad we're keeping Morales.


Yeah Andrew Lewis can easily find a job making at least $200 or even $300 depending on who he works for after this. I wonder if he'll return to his job with the City Attorneys' Office or if he'll pursue a legal position with some policy group.


“You better hope KC elections “finds” some more votes in back like they did for Gregoire.”

District13refugee dear, no one likes a sore loser - especially one who spouts conspiracy theories about elections.


@10, @17: I suggest he take his theory to a Republican judge in a Republican county. It’s not too late to have another several votes for Rossi deleted because of Rossi’s popularity with felons! :-D


@12 the times is saying that KC elections reports 482 uncounted ballots and another 231 with signature challenges in D4. I don’t think the math is going to work out for the urbanist father.

@17/18 relax no one is peddling conspiracy theories. It is a fact that KC found 150 ballots for Gregoire in an election she won by 130. Make of that what you will.


"There's still hope" - Hannah Krieg

Ya, there's still hope the useless Tammy Morales will lose.


District13refugee, King County Elections discovered 150 ballots. They didn’t do that for Christine Gregoire. The ballots were just cast for her.

Perhaps people like you would find their time better spent pondering why the WA state GOP consistently fields garbage candidates, instead of trying to make excuses for their lack of qualifications or popularity.


There are also ballots that have questionable signatures. These are very important. Sometimes the voter is unaware that there is a problem. Hopefully the Davis campaign is chasing down those voters. I remember doing that for Cantwell, when she unseated Slade Gorton (AKA Skeletor). This included knocking on a few doors (one of those times when every ballot really does count).


Why are you glad Morales appears to have saved her job?

Because she is a lot better than the other candidate. Holy shit, the other woman doesn't even vote most of the time! That is the basic level of civic engagement -- easier than shit right now -- and she doesn't even bother!

Yes, I know The Stranger has endorsed people like that before, but those people sucked as well. At some point, it isn't about your political leaning, but whether you are smart and capable. In that regard, Morales looks much better.


That was supposed to be @14. Anyway, if you are really ignorant of these candidates, and have no fucking idea what the city council does (and why Morales is worth voting for) The Urbanist has a pretty good summary:


@26: The two GOP gubernatorial candidates immediately preceding Rossi, Rossi himself, and at least the loser who they put in the ballot in 2020. Names of the others were Ellen Craswell, John Carlson, and something Culp.

@19: As that aforementioned Republican judge in a Republican county told you, ballots were found for both major-party candidates in every county of the state. Furthermore, if you look at the actual numbers (which we all know you won’t) you’ll see the ballots found for each candidate in King County were both in proportion to the other counties on a per-population basis, and in proportion to the total number of ballots each candidate received. (

But if you want to keep waving your sore-loser flag, I cannot stop you. I can merely have fun at your expense.

With a tip of my fedora to our very own Divine Madame Vel-DuRay, here’s a suggestion for the WA GOP towards possibly winning a gubernatorial election someday:

Do not nominate a far-right religious extremist, whose own neighbors had already retired her from their office, to statewide office in a liberal state with one of the lowest church-attendance rates in the entire country;

If pretty much the entire world is out in the streets, demonstrating against police violence and racism, do not nominate a white police officer with no known qualifications;

Do not nominate an AM radio talk-show host for this office. Or any office. Of any kind. Ever.


@28 - do individual Councilmembers or legislators for that matter really achieve anything on their own? Their legal power lies in being in the right side of a majority vote of the legislative body/City Council.


@30: Building coalitions, brokering compromises, and other collaborative works are indeed how legislators enact laws. Care to give any examples of CM Morales’ accomplishments in these areas?


@31. I’m not pro- or anti- anyone here, I just think it’s misguided to put individual achievement on a single legislator. Building coalitions is typically what gets you funded and re-elected too, so there you go.


Raindrop dear, I didn't know we were "daring" each other here on slog, but since you asked: Ellen Craswell (Religious Neurotic), Dino Rossi (criminal), Loren Culp (complete non-entitity), Tiffany Smiley (WA state version of Marjorie Taylor-Greene), Joe Kent (psychopath) - and that's just what I can recall off the top of my head.

I would even go so far as to say that the GOP hasn't had a non-garbage candidate for anything since John Spellman. And what's coming up doesn't look any better.


@25: Thanks for reminding me why I gave up on The Urbanist many years ago. (Just now, I noticed they had endorsed both Tye Reed and NTK. Ugh.) It’s basically just a slicker version of the Stranger.


@34 I’m not sure why I got tagged on this homework assignment to defend all of City Council LOL. There are several year end reports online you’ll find with a cursory Internet search, and a reader will agree or disagree with their actions based on where their own politics and relative standing is (renter vs owner, car/public transpo user, low vs high wage worker etc etc etc). Do your own research, man.


@28 -- I linked to a nice summary to answer your question. Now you are too lazy to even look at the fucking link. Holy shit, you ask a really lazy question, and then you ignore the answer. Fine. Here, I'll copy it. [Edited for brevity, because reading obviously ain't your thing.]

She has been a champion for safe streets and pedestrian safety, was an early supporter of social housing, and has extensively explained her support for Comprehensive Plan Alternative 6 in an op-ed in the Seattle Times.

I really don't understand why ignorant, lazy people get on forums and then talk shit when they clearly don't know anything. The fact that you are begging for information while simultaneously expressing a strong opinion is the height of arrogance. If you are really ignorant of what the council does, research it, and shut the fuck up until you can offer an informed opinion.


@40 Exactly. That crew (including Morales) had four years to implement their vision and affirmatively made the city visibly and obviously a worse place to live and work (which is kind of the purpose of a city: be a place for people to live and work). They didn't even attempt to pretend otherwise during the campaign. The Stranger didn't attempt to seriously pretend otherwise. Their only argument is one of hatred and fear: "sure Seattle city government is awful, and radical progressivism failed miserably, but imagine how much worse it would be if we elect some people we think are icky"."

During the last four years people literally shat on my home and died on my block regularly. Seattle was the first city in the United States since at least 1865 where the government voluntarily ceded territory to a hostile force (indeed, many on the council cheered it on, thinking they were part of the beginning of some glorious revolution).

Good riddance to the likes of Andrew Lewis. And I hope Morales is will be only lone voice of childish idiocy and hateful incitement from now on.


Interesting how you didn't cover the leftward swing of King County Council


"Comprehensive Plan Alternative 6"? Well why didn't you say so?

(Is that like "Plan Nine From Outer Space"?)

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