Elections 2024 Jun 14, 2024 at 9:00 am

He Thinks the Move Would Increase Election Security

This guy. GETTY



Another great mind from the WA State GOP.

Our current system is just fine. Thanks, Mr Mannequin


Oops, forgot to add: I wonder what Semi Bird's solution will be. I'm sure it will be doubly Jesus-y and triply Gunny. After all, he was raised in a "Christian environment", by a single mother in "the ghetto of East Oakland" who taught him to never be a victim.

So he joined the victim party (AKA, the GOP, AKA horrible people)


@3 Ah Raindrop, proving yet again that you are one of the poorly educated bigots that Trump loves so much.


Did you see Bob Ferguson doing cocaine with Hunter Biden just off screen on CNN, Raindrop dear?


How often does he think conservatives go to gun stores? I don't know, I don't own a gun, and I've never been in a gun store, but is it somewhere one goes on the reg if one does own a gun? Does one need to stock up on ammo in the same way as stocking up on bananas, ie about once a week?


for some gunowners, originalcinner dear, a trip to the gun store is like what a trip to the beauty parlor was for women of my mother's era - you go there weekly and it's as much to socialize as do anything practical.

But if I had to choose between the two, I'd choose the beauty parlor. Every time.


This is so unhinged. It’s like a Democrat asking to put collection boxes outside abortion clinics.

We talk a lot about the death of irony but I think the Trump years pulled the plug on it and it’s starting to catch up with us. We’re officially beyond parody.


@3 Is there any evidence that there would be any "more democracy" in such a scheme? Perhaps we should prioritize more popular, proven, or 'portant things?

@2 Is it really fair to characterize Republicans as "horrible people" when there is no evidence that anyone on Raindrop's list is actually a person?


“Try to steal a ballot from a gun range."

what the Fuck FOR?

mightn't it be Simpler
to just put targets on all
Libs & hope the Lone Wolves
remember in November how the
former're always Stealing Elections?
which is what this Is: Reichert making his
Ploy for Eltrumpfster's juandiced eyeballs

he'll get Lucky
and be placed In
Charge of catching
Cereal Killers and be
relocated to Battle Creek

where he can make all
the Difference he did in
Washington stepping over
Gary Ridgeway to fix himself
in Front of the teevee cameras

go Dave.


The KCE advice about avoiding "unofficial" boxes is sound. And boxes placed at locations identified with particular political leanings are more likely to be targeted by the opposition. If one wants to follow their paranoia down that rabbit hole.



(A. No.)

[what we Should do is Remove their Tax-Exempt
Status when they Endorse Republican
Jesus-type candidates & pretend
they're pro-Human Beings]

Jesus approve of
Bump-stocks to murder
as many & as quickly as possible?

then pay
the fucking
Tax, already.


You were expecting common sense from a MAGA republican?

Ha ha ha ha ha


"But if I had to choose
between the two, I'd
choose the beauty
parlor. Every time."

I doubt you'd ever Need it
but that's a Brilliant Idea:
Beauty Parlor cum
Gun Store. now

if they Only
Sold the

you'd Have


kristofarian dear, all churches should be taxed, all the time. The lord will provide.

LouChe dear, I will continue to refer to Republicans as horrible people until I come across one who isn't. They seem to be getting more and more horribler.


@17 There is nothing so final as pronouncements made on the basis of an amendable and (increasingly convolutedly) interpreted document.

@16 I believe that "horrible" is clearly established. My question is if there's enough evidence, especially regarding online Republicans, to safely assert they're people.


Raindrop, the US Constitution was ratified in 1788. The Federal Income Tax wasn't put in place until 1913 (or thereabouts). Are you confusing the Establishment Clause with some sort of prohibition on church taxation?

A Supreme Court Case found that such exemptions from taxation are constitutional, but it was moot on whether the government was required to not tax churches.

With Christianity devolving and becoming cheap entertainment for fewer and fewer stupid people, we could perhaps one day soon see a day where we start to tax them.


@17 We know you are poorly educated, but there is actually a strong argument that the 1A actually prohibits government from showing any favoritism to religion by giving them separate tax laws from other social clubs. The problem being that the law has never been reviewed by a court whose members were not at least nominal members of an organized religion.

I have yet to see one valid argument why my local public radio or television station should be banned from actively supporting political candidates the majority of their donors support, while we have hundreds of delusional ministers openly calling on their flocks to advance a Christian Nationalist agenda at the ballot box.

Tax all the Churches!


So now it’s MY responsibility to keep the Democratic Party “afloat”? Do I have to do everything?

But it’s nice of you to tacitly acknowledge that only Christians are horrible enough to be Republicans.


@7 - Actually, I think that a visit to the gun store is more like what a visit to the old-school peep show arcades used to be.


@21 - I for one am happy to bash any religion that tries to impose its beliefs and rules on the rest of us. The [Islamic/Christian/Hindu/Buddhist/Scientologist/whatever] [Republic/Kingdom/Califate] of [fill in your favorite country] is and will always be a complete clusterfuck. Every single time.


dvs99 dear, my only beef is with the Abrahamic religions. The rest of them are ok, but should still be taxed.

And Scientology is just Amway for the wealthy and wealthy wannabes.


@28: "peoples' quest for spiritual fulfillment."

How do we know what constitutes "spiritual fulfillment?" For tax purposes, that is. Any test would (with a competent and unbiased court) fall afoul of the First Amendment. Putting the government in the position to certify what is and is not a qualifying religion. OK, so throw the door open to anything. Be sure to include the Church of the FSM. Now excuse me while I stop to make my tax-exempt donation to Spinasse.

A 501c3 should be all the tax exemption a church needs.


Any organization that preaches politics at the pulpit should be taxed.


Think of how tedious it must be to be a mealy-mouthed apologist for anything that that demented old whore Reagan said was “American”


@32--Up early to nag the libs, raindrop?

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