Elections 2024 Aug 9, 2024 at 9:36 am

And Democratic Institutions Think It’s about Fucking Time

In the August primaries, International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAM) Labor Organizer Melissa Demyan came within striking distance of longtime incumbent State House Rep. Larry Springer, a conservative Democrat. Campaign



But does Demyan support ending the genocide in Gaza???? Please - we need to know… it’s THE definitive issue that all truly Progressive candidates need to weigh in on!!!


Unfortunately, big money and Republicans with no one else to vote for will certainly reelect the DINO.


@1 I'm sure she is pro Hamas but I would guess Kirkland like most of the east side is not as the guy running for the 8th found out. Her platform is very Seattle progressive but I doubt that it will play very well on the east side come the general.


so anyone NOT supportive
of bibi nutnyahoo's genocidal
massacre of Palestinians in general
of Gazans in Particular is "pro-HAMAS"?

you're just another

this is how
tfg djt

like this one.

and NOT for a turn-
coat 'Democrat' In Name Only

see: Joe Manchin (DINO; W VA)
Krysten Sinema (DINO; AZ) &
Joe "Turncoat" Lie/Bermann
deceased disgraced sena-
tor from Connecticut

they're actual Republicans
when it comes Down to
It and voting to return
America to the Dark
Ages where White
Men called ALL
the Shots.



@5 if someone repeats Hamas lies and propaganda or uses antisemitic tropes I’d say they are pro-Hamas. I actually don’t know about her as she hasn’t said anything but my experience has been 95% of people who consider themselves “progressive” fit that description, you included.


I'm Anti-
Terrorists. bibi's
War on Palestinians
is terrorism -- just like
Hamas'. does That help?


@6 and yet day in and day out you repeatedly post the propaganda and rhetoric of Hamas and their sympathizers on these very pages. If you want to repudiate your previous accusations and diatribes that would be welcome. There is a way to be against this war without being for the evil people who are responsible for it.


Caitlin Johnstone
is pretty fucking
Radical tho I
agree with
her on a
Lot not

I don't agree
with an entirety
of someone's comments
or words I share -- shall I post
Solely that with which I'm 100% in
agreement? that's a rheteroical question

don't negate / ignore the
Bernie Sanders nor the Chris
Hedges nor Ralph Nader nor
blah blah blah I post here -- they're
not "Pro-Hamas" -- they're Anti-Massacre.

and you and
plenty pleased to
share Your Pro-Israel
NO-Matter-What, Friendo

it's just an
for Palestine
they Shouldda
thought a' That

in 2007
when they
fucking Elected
them. their Very.
Last. Election, btw

Hamas' Terrorism
is no less equal
than bibi's

I support

WE de-
serve Justice.


for the Length
but Tell me d13r - Is
the following Pro Hamas?

Harris Says
"Far Too Many Civilians
Have Been Killed" In Genocide She Supports

“Far too many children have been eaten by hyenas,” the politician sobbed to the news camera while lowering more children into the hyena pit.

“Finally, a candidate who cares deeply about those poor children who keep getting killed by hyenas,” said Sally, turning up the volume on the television.

“What do you mean? She’s literally lowering those children into the hyena pit while she says that,” Phil objected.

“Okay but have you seen what the other candidate is saying?” Sally replied. “He says it’s good that the children are being eaten!”

“It’s such a sad and tragic tragedy,” the politician on TV shouted over the sound of screaming children. “We urgently need to get to the bottom of this problem.”

“Look, she just called it a tragedy,” said Sally. “The other candidate doesn’t think it’s sad or tragic at all.”

“But the end result is the same!” Phil exclaimed in exasperation. “In both cases the children are being killed, but when she kills them she’s acting sad about it!”

“She’s not killing the children, the hyenas are,” objected Sally. “Blame them!”

“Yeah but the hyenas couldn’t kill the children without her help,” Phil retorted.

“Well the hyenas have a right to eat,” said Sally. “What are you, anti-wildlife?”

“Oh my god, you ALWAYS accuse me of hating all wildlife when I object to our government’s policy of feeding children to hungry hyenas kept in a pit that was constructed for that specific purpose!”

“Okay well then if you’re not anti-wildlife I don’t understand why you’re so fixated on this one specific issue, Phil. There are other issues like reproductive rights, fiscal policy, and immigration reform you could be focusing on, but all you want to talk about is this small pit of hyenas which our government officials happen to lower a cage full of children into every morning.”

“Well maybe I don’t feel comfortable supporting anyone who’s going to feed children to hyenas at all, regardless of what words they happen to be saying about it and what emotions they happen to be expressing while doing so.”

“Look, she’s just making hard choices within the framework of the political realities of our day. If she stopped feeding children to the hyenas altogether, the hyena lobby would never let her become president.”

“Well then maybe that’s the problem, Sally! Maybe the problem is that we have a system that only lets us choose between politicians who want to feed children to hyenas!

Maybe we should be fighting the fact that powerful interest groups exert so much control over our electoral and governmental systems that they can force the advancement of extremely depraved agendas with no accountability to the electorate, instead of fighting over which child killer we should be electing to lower children into the hyena pit!”

“What I’m hearing is that you want the guy who doesn’t say compassionate things about dying children to win, AND you also hate wildlife.”

“I’m turning off the TV, Sally.”

--by Caitlin Johnstone
Aug 12, 2024


Maybe we should be fighting the fact
that powerful interest groups exert
so much control over our electoral
and governmental systems that
they can force the advancement
of extremely depraved agendas
with no accountability to the
electorate, instead of fighting
over which child killer we
should be electing to
lower children into
the hyena pit!”


or anti-


given the constant
this seemed

one reader’s comment
on the nyt's article

For Some
Jewish Democrats,
Heightened Worries About Antisemitism

Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania,
who is Jewish, was subjected to
intense opposition as Vice
President Kamala Harris
considered him for
running mate.


the reader’s comment:

Shapiro covered up a murder for a buddy by using the power of his office. Not choosing him had absolutely nothing to do with his religion.

I am so frustrated with the narrative than anything less than full support of Israel = antisemitism. That word has become nearly meaningless.

[like "Pro-Hamas" as well --@kristo]

For those of us (including myself with Jewish heritage) who would prefer not to fund a genocide, this black and white rhetoric is doing a disservice for all involved.

I can be both for the Jewish people and against bombing schools and hospitals at the same time. I am appalled that people with a single-minded pro-Israel agenda have co-opted the term antisemitism to mean disagreeing with them.

Firmly believe that the Jewish people deserve a right to exist and have a place and home just as much as I believe the Gazans also have a right to exist and not have their families murdered indiscriminately.

--@Julia; Brooklyn

oodles More:

they bend the
Will and

tho wormmy
et al'd have us
Beleive WhatevertheFuck
Israel Wants is totes Justified



END the
Fucking Genocide
that may not Quite BE
a "genocide." not Yet anyway

just gettin'
Warmed Up.


@8-11 I'm not going to read through all that mish mash you posted but it seems like the overarching point is the civilians caught up in the conflict. No one has disputed that its awful when people are killed during the course of a war the issue we continue to debate is who bears responsibility for these deaths? Is it the Israeli leadership who ordered the strike or is is the Hamas leaders who deliberately place their people in harms way for political purposes? I attribute 80% of the blame to Hamas while seemingly you and others who agree with you put 99.9% of the blame on Israel while essentially calling for Israel to give up and be murdered by allowing Hamas free reign. Let me ask you a few questions.

Let's say Israel does what you want and not only pulls back but they "free Gaza" by taking down the walls and allowing free movement of goods. What do you think the response from the Palestinians would be? Would they let Israel live in peace?

In a free Gaza would those of different faiths be allowed to worship and live free?

In a free Gaza would women be granted equal rights as men?

In a free Gaza would those of different gender and sexual identifies be allowed to freely express themselves and live in peace?

I don't think you'll answer these questions because I think we all know the answers which begs the real question. What exactly is it that you are trying to accomplish with your daily posts? Are you aware of what is going on in Bangladesh right now? I haven't seen one word in these pages about some of those atrocities. The singular focus on the conflict in Gaza is to use the latest term "weird" and therefore seems to spring from more than just concern for innocents.


"I'm not going to read through all that mish mash you posted but it seems like the overarching point is the civilians caught up in the conflict."

d13r. Perfect.

oh, here’s Another one:

"Another Massacre"

Caitlin Johnstone
Aug 12, 2024

They bombed the Tabeen school in Gaza City with so much explosive force that not a single full body was recovered.

It was just pieces of people everywhere. They bagged body parts in 70-kilogram piles to try and estimate a death toll.

It was impossible to identify bodies or sort out which parts belonged where. Just one big stretch of undifferentiated carnage. Kind of like how the entire Gaza onslaught is starting to feel.

These massacres are all starting to blur together, like the lifeless bodies ripped apart and mixed together in bags. We westerners say “another massacre” when we talk about it, referring to it as just one more nightmare in an uninterrupted deluge of nightmares that’s been going on for ten months.

But it wasn’t “another massacre” for the people who were there. For the woman whose foot that used to belong to. For the boy who used to own that arm. For the man whose intestines those once were. For them it was the end of the world. For their loved ones it was unfathomable anguish.

Each and every one of these victims in each and every one of these massacres felt as much as you and I, cared as much as you and I, hoped and dreamed and loved and longed like you and I, and was just as capable of suffering as you and I.

Their bodies intermingle in the wreckage and the massacres intermingle in our memories, but we can’t just let it all blur together into background white noise.

We can’t let this become our baseline.

Our new normal. We can’t let them do that to us.

We can’t let them rob us of our humanity like that.

Do not let them harden you. On top of everything else they’ve taken from this world, don’t let them take your caring and sensitivity as well.

Every death in that school was just as significant as the earliest deaths when this nightmare first began. The only thing making us see it as “another massacre” is our reflex to avoid feeling it all for the first time from moment to moment.

But this is all happening for the first time. That woman had never died before. Neither had that boy, or that man. All their hopes and dreams and plans were cut off for the very first time. All their experiences. All their relationships. Everything they had to share.

Those endings deserve a bit more weight and a bit more reverence than having been part of just “another massacre”.

It’s safe to feel. It might hurt, but it won’t harm. We can just pause, put our hands over our hearts, feel the feelings deeply and respectfully all the way through, and then get back into the fight to try and stop this thing.

The victims deserve our sorrow. We deserve to have wide open hearts full of compassion. And the monsters who are doing this absolutely do not deserve to take it away from us.




@12 I told you no one disputes how awful it is but who are the monsters?



enactors & enablers.


Describe Dire Conditions
in Gaza’s Shrinking ‘Humanitarian Zone’

An area where Israel has directed thousands of civilians to go has become a “hell” where food and water are scarce, according to the displaced people there.


neoliberal & neocon
policy means the
meaner you are

the meaner
the rules

precisely where

our lizard
dooms Earth

so how tf do we
Reverse this


European leaders
who urged restraint …

Iran sharply criticized three European leaders who had called for restraint in the crisis with Israel, saying Tehran reserved the right to defend its sovereignty.

Nasser Kanani, a spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, said on Tuesday that the European leaders had ignored Israeli “crimes and terrorism” against Palestinians and in the Middle East.

On Monday, the leaders of Britain, France and Germany had urged Iran and its allies not to retaliate for the assassination of a Hamas leader in Tehran because it could disrupt efforts to reach a cease-fire in Gaza.

“If the mentioned countries are really looking for peace and stability in the region, they should once and for all stand against the belligerence and adventurism of the apartheid Israeli regime,” Mr. Kanani said in a statement released by Iran’s Foreign Ministry.

continues his
gambit even if it means
taking down the Planet* too

*I know
I Know it’s
just a wee little
nukular horrorshow:

gotta Eat too.

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