
Quick! Fix the headline before the trolls get you!
If anything, he can't see well. During that one interview months ago (with AC?) when he took a piece of paper out and read it, the letters on it were HUGE. I'd like to know his vision results.
To be fair, a large majority of men over the age of 45 need reading glasses. I need them now too. I hate them with a fiery passion, but that's the life of an aging male. Without reading glasses, I can't read a goddamned thing anymore (including this here blog thingy), and I'm 15 years younger than Trump.

Trump is a gigantic asshole, but if you stick a legal document in front of any random 70 year old man, 80% would react exactly the same way Trump did.
his odd syntax and general level of ignorance indicate a Learning Disability. that explains the childhood aggression as well. he has intelligence, and is a gifted extemporaneous bullshitter, but you can't say he comprehends anything he's saying. except the degree that it aggrandizes his self. i'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't a malignant narcissist sexual predator who's toying with fascism.
To many Trump voters, if he doesn't know how to read it's not a defect, it's a feature.
"As it happens, reading is one of those elitist subjects I have been talking about, and the American public, by and large, in their distrust of experts and in their contempt for pointy-headed professors, can't read and don't read."
-- Isaac Asimov, "A Cult of Ignorance"
Was this segment part of Monday's broadcast? I thought I watched the show, but this segment wasn't in the version I saw.
One of the things that always amuses me is how effeminate he so often is, at least in light of his obsession with portraying himself in such stark opposition to those who frequently exhibit any effeminate characteristics. He's not even necessarily set out to do so, but this fucking awesome 12 year old just nails it so perfectly in his portrayal here.…
I listened to an interview with Trump's ghostwriter. He said that Trump refused to write anything down or read drafts, he just had him come into his office and listen to his phone conversations and research based on that. That shows he either can't read and write or refuses to because he can pay people to do it for him. Hard to say which is worse.
Don't we think there is enough to criticize about Trump without making things up to criticize him for?
@12 The making things up is part of the joke. Did you watch the segment? Bee is really clear that she's making things up. She's parodying the way politicians/media make suggestions like this, then pieced together video clips and unrelated facts as evidence, add a smidgen of truth and start a conspiracy. A great example is the Obama birther movement. She's just showing how easy it is to do.

As for Trump not being able to read, I agree with above that he does appear to have some learning disability or an extreme attention problem. I'm sure he can read and write technically, but I doubt he has the ability to sit down and read a book or digest a complex argument- whether the problem is a disability with comprehension or with attention who knows.

If the cause is the very common problem of age-related vision issues, then he should carry reading glasses- especially when he's in the situations cited in this clip (reading legal documents, reading scripts).

I don't know if anyone has pointed out yet that he did, in fact, read from the teleprompter for his RNC speech. He read it like a person who does not read very well, but nonetheless he read it correctly. And without glasses. But maybe someone was reading it to him through a speaker in his ear?!?! :)
@13: My point really is more about the people who are diagnosing him with learning disabilities, psychosis, and all these other things that these people have no idea about, and have no real evidence for other than feels and hopes.

And the bigger part of that is, the guy says and does horrible things and has horrible ideas. Plenty to hay to make there without making up bullshit which only serves as catharsis and to weaken actual criticisms against him.
If he combs his own hair then he has a problem with his eyes. Remember the "Emperors new clothes"? If his hairdresser has a sense of humor then I applaud him or her. They send him out on stage looking like a poodle and he has no idea what he looks like.

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