
1. Nathan who?

2. From my reading perspective, it'd be pretty cool for Sydney to take over Slog while her coworkers are slacking and make it in her image.
@1: I came here to ask your 1st question, as well.

I am working next week, but fuck that boy scout. I will be coming in late and leaving early.
I actually like watching these "DIY primitive technology" videos; I figure whatever I learn will come in handy come the impending complete breakdown of the social order...
Most companies are shut down from now until 2018? I doubt that. Source?
@4 most companies where you aren't hourly

Mmm, yes, any day now, right?

I kind of love it that the far right and the far left share this dubious fantasy.

The most comical aspect of any of these preppers, of course, is their individualism. If society as we know it ever does collapse, you'll be far better served by your ability to ingratiate yourself with other human beings than by your ammunition cache or your aptitude for constructing wattle-and-daub shelters.

It's not a fantasy so much - I do a lot of camping, so there are always situations where basic survival skills can come in handy. Also, from a purely anthropological perspective I'm interested in how more primitive cultures have nevertheless developed fairly sophisticated craft technologies merely by using the basic ingredients at-hand. Learning to "live off the land" is how we're going to provide an existence off-planet, for example, so that alone makes it a useful philosophy to adopt and encourage. And frankly, given how many people DON'T have these skills, I figure it would definitely increase my usefulness to those other human beings, which, so far as I'm concerned, beats craven grovelling and ingratiation in a group setting.

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