
I've been wanting a list of fireplace bars/restaurants for years, but this is a pretty half-assed effort. Can we get something more comprehensive? Please??
@It's curated, not comprehensive. If you want info on every single bar with a fireplace, go bug Yelp about it.
@2, but the Stranger does all kinds of other reasonably comprehensive listings...they have a happy hour app, listings for all kinds of entertainment, art openings, etc. And this is just the sort of quirky topic they do well.

Plus, this list includes a place that doesn't actually have a fireplace as well as a location the author didn't even bother visiting. Does that really qualify as "curated"?

And furthermore, fuck Yelp.
Marco Polo, kudos Stranger for getting off of Capitol Hill once in a while. This dive's fried chicken and jo's are incredible. Be warned though Capitol Hill snowflakes, you may have to encounter people who think, vote and dress differently from you. Be brave, you can take your chicken and run back to your haven of sameness and lack of diversity...ok, stretching a bit, but the chicken is fabulous!
@6 that's funny, I can hear Don Lemon now, all serious, "that was more a wet chunker," I believe. Isn't there a fake fireplace at Lost Lake, or maybe that was a picture they have....
@8 OF COURSE, there's no way way to know if Bernie would have won, BUT, to your point, seemingly any qualified Dem would have been better than the arrogant, clueless candidate we were served up. Van Jones said the truth, the Clinton era is over, Move On; I would add, the Sanders jig is up, as well. Anyway, how bout we make a fire pit at beloved Cal Anderson and bring booze? No, oh well a pint and bic lighter will suffice.Too bad there's no good convenience store style fried chicken to go in Almighty Capitol Hill anymore...remember before the fire, the GREAT fried chicken that Hillside served up?
...@9..You got no love for the fried chicken at city market ?..You a hard bish to satisfy.
The Fireside Room is now quite ugly. Cheesy looking paneling, sofas and carpet clash, uncomfortable-looking sofas. The old furnishings were much better.
@10 I stand corrected, tried the city market, 6 pieces later, quite tasty! Bless you rev,,,

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