Food & Drink Aug 16, 2024 at 3:53 pm

The chef-owner of Terra Plata passed away last weekend at 63.

Tamara “Cheffy” Murphy and mentee Zephyr Paquette Courtesy of Zephyr Paquette



Pizza is love
Pizza is life


Thank you for this profile. I am honored to have know Tamara. She was kind and unpretentious which can be rare among foodies. I’ve met some of the “three legged dogs” she hired and know of her impact beyond the kitchen. I’ll always think of her when I’m near Melrose and hope her surviving people find comfort in her delicious legacy of generosity, goodness and good times


It’s refreshing to see The Stranger produce a thoughtful and meaningful article that really delves into the personal. Very well written. Thank you.

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