Guest Rant May 16, 2024 at 3:54 pm

The Costs of Underfunded Music Education in Washington

Let’s fight for reliable funding mechanisms to support arts education in schools. GETTY



Wow! I read those minutes in one of the hyperlinks and the district does absolutely everything to mask the fact that, yes they’re cutting programs. Scummy way of writing minutes the public depends on to hold our public officials accountable and stay knowledgeable.


I was just commenting to my husband how culturally, our country has shifted away from creating music as a pastime, creative outlet, or way to pick up chicks lol. Back in 1990s highschool EVERYONE was in a garage band, into slam poetry, or was working on some musical riff or another. My Gen Z teens? Nope. Hard to know if education is driving this dynamic, or if kids attention is sapped by something else. Either way it is a shame that we have fewer musically trained individuals. Judging the general musical landscape, it shows.

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