I, Anonymous Jan 24, 2024 at 3:20 pm
Steven Weissman



At least this bad I, Anon can serve as some kind of public service announcement, which gives it some redeeming quality.

But yeah, talk about no effort. This is actually decent fodder for a worthy rant. Anon just ain't tryin'.


UW Medicine has the sketchiest medical billing practices I have ever seen. Mr. Vel-DuRay had appointment with one of their physicians. He was not even home from it before he got a bill for $900 (after "discounts"). He called and asked the representative about who said "you have to understand. We have thousands of doctors!". He replied "you have to understand, this sleazy practice is encourage to get naive and older people to pay up front when they may not have the money."

We didn't pay, of course, until issurance processed the claim. Our total amount due: $25.


cronic Flatulance
can be Life-changing*
how Dare you make Light of it.

*we've a Painter
on Retainer
she's $99
the week.

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