Steven Weissman



It’s amazing that in post-#metoo 2024, in mostly liberal, mostly enlightened Seattle, these thick-headed jackwads still exist. But they do.


Yeah, the "no" must mean "no" and not simply try a little harder. After the fact, I've had women tell me that they wanted to go out or were otherwise interested in me but that I didn't try hard enough, and I've said, "no means no to me, and it should to you." Otherwise, I am glad to hear this ended fairly well and that your faith in mankind was restored.


Trust the Stranger to mix up "diffuse" with "defuse."

@2 Women who play games and play hard to get to test men to "try harder" aren't worth trying harder for.


Well if you change your mind, you should totally hit me up. Why don’t I give me your phone number, what was it again?


u can call me



Does no one here, from OP to the commenters, know how to tell if a person is on drugs and/or mentally ill when they see or read about one? Or recognize how rampant both conditions are in Seattle?

YES, this behavior sucks--but let's not pretend this was some rational "bro" in a bar who'd had a couple drinks and just couldn't take a hint.

Same thing happened with "A Forced Engagement" a couple of weeks ago.

I can just imagine the next one: "Dear Naked Rude Guy taking a shit in the middle of traffic. What's your problem?"

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