Nepotism Dec 27, 2017 at 2:39 pm

The first set of story selections were published January through April of 2017.


How the Stranger helped to get us Mayor Durkan was indeed a great story. It just didn't always involve facts.

"...Sydney Brownstone produced the most moving portrait of one of Murray’s accusers, Jeff Simpson."

Simpson claimed he publicly accused Murray to complete his own twelve-step program. He claimed he learned about the rabidly anti-gay preacher, Ken Hutcherson, via an internet search, but both Simpson and Hutcherson were fundamentalist Christians. Commenters noticed both claims were likely false, but that did not stop Brownstone from publishing them as gospel truth.

Any word on what any victims of Simpson's felonious crime thought of Brownstone's "moving portrait," or do we just not care what actual victims feel about seeing their predator described in such gauzy, rosy terms?
And most importantly (in their own minds) the clan of circle jerking confirmation bias based blowhards right here in these comments. Successfully drowning out facts and opposing points of view with hilariously uninformed derision and hands over their ears “nah nah nah nah we don’t dialogue because dialogue=oppression” strategy, they’ve successfully survived another year in the never ending college campus safe space that is their minds while shaving 1-5 years(hopefully) off their lives every time they triggered themselves into believing that Russian bots stole our election and there’s a nazi hiding under every rock you turn over.

GFY everybody.
Did The Stranger ever do a regrets issue for 2017?

Same to you. If you don't like the "bubble" you are always free to exit - and rest assured, no one will miss you in the least bit.
Best Stranger writing of 2017? Hands-down, it's got to be this:

"Urbin Attic’s ”on-demand” storage service is a new convenient way to store your stuff. Say good-bye to u-hauls and spooky storage units."

Like all good writing, it made me think about the world in a way I never had before. Kudos, Stranger writers!
Actually the best political article was, "Facing Allegations of Child Sex Abuse, Mayor Ed Murray Vows to Stay in Office and Keep Running for Reelection"

The second comment to that article reads, in its entirety:

This article is literally a compendium of like 4 other articles "The Stranger" already published on this topic. It's like when a band releases a "Best Of" album, but it doesn't even have a new bonus track.

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