
Rake up the money that will be made by handing out tickets to dog owners. So many people who do not give a fuck and think their dog is a saint.
No doubt Trump has taken great pride in wresting that title away from Romney and secured it for the rest of American history.
Perhaps Apple and Google taught Trump how to avoid paying taxes?
Wait, dog laws, dogs are in charge?
Here's a link to the Lorde video. I couldn't get the one up there to work.…
Is there some special way to use pillows in gay sex?
@6: thank you, Sandiai! I couldn't even see a Lorde video in the original Slog article. The Gaga one shows up and works, but there was nothing at all for Lorde on my screen.
@8, sure thing.
Of course the man who assaulted the bus driver in Auburn was taken alive. He was white.
@10 - I was just going to say. If you're going to pull a stunt like that and you want to live, best to check and make sure you're white first.
Trump is promising torture and mass murder, and R-money thinks his shrieking, orc-like supporters give a flying fuck about his taxes?? Ker-rist whattan a$$hole.
"Amazon has some serious balls to think up a project like this in the middle of Seattle."
-- Curbed

Ha ha!
Sanders leads Clinton by 6 points in latest national poll:…
As a matter of fact Sanders has been leading for most of February but it's not like anyone is going to hear about it.
Anyhoo, as expected the clintonites' and other concern trolls' electability yarn is now completely unraveling but don't expect to read about that either.

Um, no one is predicting oil will be worthless by 2019. The linked article is using $0 oil to point out how absurd some current inflation projections are (i.e. oil would have to drop to $0 by 2019 in order for those projections to be accurate).

Great reading comprehension Charles.
Worthless oil in 2019?

Good god Mudede, how can you possibly be so dumb?

Did you even attempt to skim the article you linked to?
18 and 17, wow, the one thing that is often missed is my sense of humor.
@17 and 18, im not kidding but i will try to make sure my humor comes through clearly in the future. i honestly did not think oil would be worthless in 2019. with morning news, humor must be obvious.
Beacon Hill is neatly situated between two areas with relatively bad air quality: the Duwamish River Valley and the Rainier Valley. The air flowing over the top of a hill is less likely to suffer a thermal inversion and trap pollutants, so focusing on that monitoring station and ignoring the more polluted valleys on either side is not fair or accurate.
@21: No one bought it the previous times you used that defense, no one's buying it now.
Working with the general public, my unscientific observation is that middle class white people are usually the ones who seem to think their dogs are special and exempt from dog-related rules. For example, most of the people who take their dogs into establishments with clear "no dogs" signage are middle class white people who know they will be assumed to not be a problem. They are the ones who go around thinking "oh, that rule's not for me, that's for people who look like they need rules". So I hope the city makes a killing on ticketing them for leaving dog shit on the ground.
@20: You have used that defense a million times, no where is there any humor at all even close to hinted at. You read the title and posted it because you thought it supported a view of yours.

You remind me so much of the English 101 kids I used to teach. They can not handle criticism, so they tell themselves that they are just too smart for everyone else, no one else is clever enough to "get it."

When actually their work just sucks because they are lazy.

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