
The convention center has all the charm of an airport, with none of the excitement of travel.

Oil Trains: The railroads have extraordinary power in this country, going back to a time when they were one of the main "civilizing influences" of the west (the west, for this example, being anything past the Delaware Water Gap).

But they are run by aging boomers who have had no interest in, and very little knowledge of, railroading. They are concerned solely with "The street's" earning expectations, because that's what their ridiculous compensation is largely tied to. (The Union Pacific is particularly heinous for a variety of reasons)

They are used to making their money on hauling commodoties like coal and wheat, but with coal becoming the energy source of last resort, that market is drying up. So they are trying to fill that revenue gap with oil. But a derailed coal or wheat train doesn't blow up, and an oil train does. Since they have not maintained their railbeds to deal with that, we have a very hazardous situation. Imagine an oil train derailing in the Great Northern Tunnel under downtown Seattle. Or by the stadiums, particularly on a game day. Or by the City Light receiving substation on 4th Ave South. (you get my drift)

Simply put, the American railroads, all of which are huge corporate welfare queens, cannot be trusted to handle oil trains. They really shouldn't be allowed to handle chemicals either, but the oil trains have the most potential for catastrophe.
Trial of the Century
Be there for the rally. Visible public opposition is how we win.

Join us at the East Vancouver Campus of Clark College at 8 am on Monday June 27. 18700 East Mill Plain.

Park in the rear and meet in the front. Wear red if possible. We want to give a warm welcome to EFSEC members as they arrive.
At 8:45 a.m. we'll head inside and sit in the back of the hearing room. These hearings are for the lawyers and will last for 5 weeks. We just listen. Stay for an hour if able. An overflow crowd is beneficial. Let us know if you will be there.
Raindrop dear, as a habitué of Amtrak's long-distance lines (upon which I always travel in a bedroom or roomette) I'm here to tell you that all the pillows in the world won't protect you from bad rails - rails that are worn down from years of transporting coal, with no real maintenance.

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