
@2 we could just leave it in the ground.
Do we need the oil that bad? I thought the world was trying to reduce oil related consumption.
I haven't been this angry since my brother died. It's a terrible feeling!

But, the companies that make billions from extracting, refining, and selling oil aren't interested in reducing consumption; quite the opposite, in fact. They've put all their eggs in the petrochemical basket, and they intend to break as many of them as they can for as long as they can.
@10 So it is a bad thing that "greenies" said "hey don't piss all over our bed", because up until they said that everyone thought it was ok to piss all over the bed? Is that your point?
@9, +1
@10 we used to do a lot of shit that everyone thought was a good idea. Get a leech treatment next time you get sick and tell as all how that old time medicine works out.

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