

^^^Exactly ~ the United States is the most corrupt country on the planet. People just now getting this, what fantasy land have they been living in?^^^


America is the most corrupt country on the planet? Man the left are fucking idiots


Trump's got nothing on the corrupt governments throughout the developing world.


Yeah. America has growing corruption problems - and Trump has ushered in a new era of corruption - but it's not even close to the corruption in Russia or China. Having lived in both.

It's telling people say dumb things like "the United States is the most corrupt country on the planet...:" In that it's clearly obvious they have never lived anywhere else or they wouldn't make such stupid statements.

But that's the point. The far right in America loves that kind of corruption. It's what they want. We'll get there if the Crony Capitalists keep holding sway. But we're not there yet. Which is why should be angry NOW.


@7- Corruption works best if no one knows about it. They're just trying to keep the good things coming.


@8 A growing corruption problem? It certainly did not start with Trump, please. And the difference between China and Russia, both wholly corrupt societies and the United States is that the United States pretends it is not corrupt, traipses around the world acting like some moral authority, when in fact it is worse than the worst countries in the world. The United States has been corrupt since its inception. How is building an empire on the backs of slaves not the epitome of corruption? What the United States has done to black people from slavery to the current day is worse than anything any communist country has done to its people.


It all begs the question: "Why would anyone born in one of those shit hole African countries EVER leave Africa, by choice no less, to live in the most corrupt country in the known universe???"


Well, political corruption has been institutionalized through the revolving door and Citizen United so it's bound to have an effect on society as a whole. Rules have been tweaked to allow all sort of shady behavior by the wealthy to hide their wealth and avoid taxes. Nobody is fooled no matter how many times people claim Americans are stupid.


Here's someone else's take on why the U.S. is the most corrupt nation in the world.


and another, though it has the US at #2:


Every country is a shithole country.

We’re all in the gutter. It’s just that some of us are on our backs staring up at the stars.


You kids seem determined to see our President re-elected.
Leftism has degenerated into a mental illness of mass delusion.
You need to insist that the new health care plan includes generous mental health benefits.


This must explain the mass exodus of Americans to live in shithole countries, and all the third worlders refusing to come to America.

Like another poster said above, and people need to get out and travel a little.


All fucking Business; right to the point; showing a clear path to high crimes and misdemeanors. That Gal don't Fuck Around. Small Wonder the Neolibs and Cons are terrified. They're not as stupid as they may seem.

Regarding AOC -- we may have to lower the age requirement for the Presidency here.


If she were to question derr Furor
under Oath
he'd split a gasket sure as shit
too many cheeseburghers


Xina, a big hearty FUCK YOU for being so intentionally ignorant.

Have you ever met a SINGLE immigrant (from somewhere besides Canada)? Have you heard the phrase "death squad" before? Please, please, I beg you, learn some history. Learn anything - I haven't seen you present a single informed opinion in your entire time posting here.


Watching AOC, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib today, it was very clearly AOC who was the most impressive of the three (although Pressley was very good too, with that nice little twist of the dagger at the end).

Cohen didn't really tell us anything new, but if I were a Democratic strategist, today would have told me that it was time to drop the Russia-collusion line of attack. That's not to say that you don't follow through on outstanding cases, nor is it to say that the Russians aren't trying to sabotage the electoral process (Zuckerberg and whoever owns Twitter are far more Russian collaborators than Trump is). Just that the politics don't make sense and we never will get the smoking gun many Democrats seem to think is out there.

The idea that Trump was a Russian operative was always more a matter of managing Democrats' disbelief at Hillary Clinton's loss than any reflection of reality. Put simply, Trump is too lazy, stupid, and undisciplined to have ever made a useful operative.

No, if anything brings him down, it'll be his taxes and financial chicanery (much like Al Capone was imprisoned for tax evasion). AOC is wise to make that the thrust of her attack: it was laying the groundwork for exactly the kind of investigation that ought to proceed now that Mueller is (supposedly) winding things up. She continues to impress me mightily.


Today: Ayanna Pressley > AOC


The US Is actually literally a shithole country. That's an actual fact after the Trump shutdown allowed people to go into the national parks and take dumps there.


As for corruption, most of what we have here is at least done out in the open. The whole thing about government funds supporting sporting facilities for private profit that AOC brought up in her questioning is the prime example. Every single sporting facility in the US (with the possible exception of Lambeau Field) is an exercise in massive corruption that is very frequently sanctified by the public at the ballot box.

The fact that the Democratic opposition in this country is operating exactly as it is supposed to and that the Republicans have already begun to pay a price for their corruption (with the loss of the House) is actually grounds for optimism that the system, however imperfect, is still working.


A little raindrop goes a long way also. Something like maybe a single five-word-maximum post per week would be perfect.


She was awesome!



Seattle is a shithole. Here's the video proof from Occupy Seattle:


If we revoke his citizenship now, he'll get to spend the rest of his miserable life in an actual autocratic regime.

It'll be like changing the locks when your abusive Daddy leaves the house.


The extent to which a country is "corrupt" is obviously subjective and relative. Per capita, Nigeria or Venezuela are perhaps beholden to more corruption. But as far as worldwide influence and impact that our malfeasance can have? We're freaking Lebron James.


@32 The article cited equated financial secrecy with corruption. Tax havens and financial secrecy are a problem when it comes to things like tax avoidance, but they are hardly the be-all and end-all of corruption.

And pardon me if I take an article about corruption rankings from Russia Today with a grain of salt.



Perhaps they went to Trumpf U.
and/or watch FOX.
There's a recipe for intentional Stupidity.

Corydon: Well said.



And OUR Citizenry monitors Box Office receipts, "Sports,"
World Wide Wrasslin', the Weather* and wholly-coprorate-owned TeeVee.

And we got us a Realtiy TeeVee Star for "president."
Not for long, it appears.

Repubs are gonna leave Trumpfy like rats fleeing a stinking sinking ship;
I give him two, three months, tops. It's soon gonna be Too Much Work
defending the Indefensible.

"Global Warming"?! Right. My fucking Feet are cold.


Here, allow me to Edit:


And OUR Citizenry monitors Box Office receipts, "Sports,"
World Wide Wrasslin', the Weather* and wholly-corporate-owned TeeVee.

And we got us a Reality TeeVee Star for "president."
Not for long, it appears.

Repubs are gonna leave Trumpfy like rats fleeing a stinking sinking ship;
I give him two, three months, tops. It's soon gonna be Too Much Work
defending the Indefensible.

*"Global Warming"?! Right. My fucking Feet are cold.



Thanks, Jacky.
I'll Edit how I see fit.

You know, you don't fucking HAFTA read 'em and weep.
You can just weep.

Now, fuck off.



I've always liked your posts. I'm sure that that just reinforces @43's opinion of me, but he's already admitted to being incompetent, so there's little value in anything he writes.


Thanks, seatackler. I like some of my posts, too.
A few others, I find cringeworthy
and WISH I could delete
and many I'd Love to, at least, edit.

This being The Stranger, whaddayagonna DO?

I don't put a whole lotta stock in Jackay's comments, either.
Wrong about politics; a casual butcher of grammar; and, typically, totally humorless --
But, he does make our side look better, just by being here.
So, there's that.


Murickuh is an intellectual wasteland full of egoists hell bent on pointing fingers at "libtards" and whatever the hell else they enjoy parroting four years and running. (Come on guys, try harder).
That's not to say the left isn't without problems, but I don't see nearly as many psychopathic hostile finger pointers as I do the alt-right.
That being said - I wouldn't say Murickuh is the most corrupt on the planet. I'd wager North Korea is pretty freaking bad.

But as the alt-right so enjoys misdirecting with "Well it's worse HERE stupid!", one cannot help but keep in mind just because something is bad somewhere else, doesn't make it any better here than it was previously stated.
They like to forget that. The deductive reasoning, common sense and any kind of civility. Then again, I would say that a series of neglectful thinking could be applied to everyone in politics. Well, nearly everyone. There are still a few honest eggs, buried under the pile of steaming shit.

And I hate to break it to you guys, but as resistant as you are to reality, reality will remain. And the Alt-Right are having a lot of trouble keeping themselves visually sane. I would really consider the spot you're in before you tout proudly your ignorant statements. The moment you spit out "libtard", you're already tagged as a five-year-old, so you might want to learn to speak like an adult if you want to be taken as one.


I like comment threads like these, because the people who have zero life experience who have never left their media bubble make it so obvious who they are.

You have to read something other than Facebook comments and editorials that call themselves "news." Doing so makes you say really, really stupid shit like America is the most corrupt country in the world.

You don't even have to go across two borders to find one that is more corrupt. Mexico's government runs off of cartel bribes and assassination.


AOC did a nice job;
had her notes very organized like an eight grader giving a book report;
nice presentation.

Her teeny bopper fans like Chuck will eat it up;
this will make it all the harder for the Feinsteins and Pelosis of the Democrat Establishment to give her the backhand.

Of course, none of the points AOC made matter at all, in the grown-up world;
but The Left will lap it up and squeal for more.

AOC is the best thing to happen to Donald in a long time.


I'm shocked how few of Slog commentators have actually traveled to other places in the world. For all of the problems we have in the US we're no where near the level of violence and corruption of the third world.


@34 Organizations like the Tax Justice Network claim that tax havens and corruption cannot be dissociated today because corruption thrives under the secrecy provided by tax Havens.

"market-rigging or fraud – involves corrupt behaviour in the private sphere, and is usually protected by secrecy. A “pinstripe infrastructure” of offshore bankers, lawyers and accountants who welcome, facilitate and actively encourage these flows are a central part of the corruption problem."


@51 "intellectual honesty"

coming from someone who NOW denies the urgency of addressing climate change (ignoring climate scientists telling us we have 12 years to slash carbon emissions) after decades of going through the various stages of denial, that's rich.


Is it truly "corruption" if it's done while wearing $5K suits?

The suits tell us that's Impossible.
They obviously know what's Best --
just look at 'em.


@55 ALL of your comments claim that people calling the alarm are hysterical, panicking, etc.. so spare us the hedging. What matters is not what you claim to believe, but what you do. If you behave like a denier would, you are probably one.


Whoa, nellie

Your 'confidence' and rationalizations belie your Fear.
So AOC's on Exactly the right track...
Thanks for the Confirmation.

We finally got us a fucking Fearless, articulate, Passionate
(HOT) Dem with charisma AND Balls.

You have Good Reason to be Afraid.


@57 the science says both a) there is urgency and b) it's not too late to mitigate change. Your discourse is to ridicule people for saying so by claiming they are being hysterical/panicking. I don't see any reason to be gracious or magnanimous about your behavior. As i already said, spare us your continual hedging.


Pelosi and Feinstein haven't gotten the memo.
AOC will have to defeat a herd of dinosaurs before she becomes the face of the New and Improved Democrat Party.
We'll bring the popcorn if you bring the liquor.


And this, my friends, is what a shit hole comment section looks like.


"AOC will have to defeat a herd of dinosaurs... "

And she's off to an Awesome head start.
You, too, with your AOCDerangementSyndrome.

Q. Is your AOCDS spreading?



And yet, here you ARE.


@56 the goalpost moves are strong with you. As someone who's never done anything but consume and has done absolutely zero for the environment, that's an awfully scaly brush you're painting with.


Are you kidding?
We are huge fans.

The gist of her plan is sound;
we need to remake our infrastructure more energy efficient and much much less car-dependant.
Literally rebuild our cities and towns.
(anyone who has ever lived somewhere where you are not dependent on cars; Europe, Japan, etc, realizes what a totally shitty lifestyle our car dependent civilization forces on us...)
Doing so will cost a huge amount but it will spur massive economic activity and growth and pay for itself in energy savings.

All that is needed is the courage and imagination to go forward.

We are sitting on a gasoline ticking time-bomb, if the supply of cheap gas is compromised our economy (and in fact, our civilization) will take a massive hit, probably fatal.

It is disappointing that Corporate Wall Street Democrats are trying to shut her down, and mocking her plan, rather than give it even a hearing.


@26Corydon Well you could easily make a case that Cowboys Stadium in Arlington TX wasn't a corrupt deal. He made the offer to several cities that he was willing to build it in. Dallas, Irving (which was where he already was with the old stadium) and Arlington. The offer was a cap of 250 million for infrastructure / land acquisition. Arlington was the only one that took him up on it. Of course Arlington is also trying to get the Mavericks and the NHL Stars also. They already had the Rangers (MLB) and Six Flags so they are trying to be the entertainment center of DFW. He also said that he would not be opposed to a special taxing district that just covered the ground of the Stadium. They ended up spending the whole 250 (plus some of his money) and he spent over a billion on the stadium. At the end they paid off all of the bonds and while everyone else was cutting budgets due to the recession, Arlington was increasing their budget AND putting money into a rainy day fund that was woefully underfunded before that. So that one should not be considered corrupt. More teams should think about doing it that way since he gets all of the profits from the stadium and the city didn't actually risk anything.


@65 fuck you too, asshole



Whoa, Nellie! So now you're a Fan as in Fanatical of AOC?
My oh my, she surely makes the Converts FAST.

While Corporate (neoliberal) Dems may beat it down, in their own time, IF Progressives can pick up a tenth of the Energy Bernie generated in latter stages of his (sabotaged) snowballing Campaign, CD's'll be falling all over themselves to join the Club. And why not? Bernie's wishes have become Democratic Platform, and their approval rating is postive on all counts with the majority of Citizens (numbers which probably MUST translate to actual, non-gerrymandered, not disenfranchised, all that shit your side's GOTTA do, they wannna stay in Power, Voters).

But, not to worry, MCCcCCConnell's Senate will give the new green deal a quick, guaranteeed-to-be-both-shitty-and-farcical airing,* hoping to catch Progressives flat-footed before they can get their message properly rolled/figured out, attempting to scuttle Anything looking remotely like a livable climate policy, all while we continue to fry and support fossil fools with SIXTY (or is it 70?) BILLION $ in what can only be called major fucking Handouts (it seems sometimes, when Socialsim rears its ugly head, it's not Always bad -- depending, as always, on Recipient's Status).

*it'll be like the Kavanaugh Hearings, only on ice; fair, with Republicans dressed in S&M (ala dick CHENEY) and screaming at the tops of their lungs. Brought to us by the fine folks at FOX.


The biggest shithole in the world is Trumpty Dumpty's putrid mouth.



"Pelosi and Feinstein haven't gotten the memo. AOC will have to defeat a herd of dinosaurs before she becomes the face of the New and Improved Democrat Party. We'll bring the popcorn if you bring the liquor."

Whoa, Nellie -- they HEARD YOU!*

From the WaPo:
"In a closed-door session, a frustrated Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) lashed out at about two dozen moderates and pressured them to get on board. 'We are either a team or we’re not, and we have to make that decision,' Pelosi said, according to two people present but not authorized to discuss the remarks publicly.

But Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the unquestioned media superstar of the freshman class, upped the ante, admonishing the moderates and indicating she would help liberal activists unseat them in the 2020 election.

Corbin Trent, a spokesman for Ocasio-Cortez, said she told her colleagues that Democrats who side with Republicans 'are putting themselves on a list.'”

Who knew, they read The Stranger!?!!

THNX for the Help!

*well, not Feinstein
her battery must be dead



"House Democrats explode in recriminations as liberals lash out at moderates."

As big a Fan of AOC, I knew you'd be Elated.
Thanks, again. You've been an Yuge Help!

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