

Poor Joe;
whoring himself to appease the Fascist Far Left,
it won't work, however, so he has debased himself and sold out his values for squat.


I want to know more about that one time Timothy wore high heels.

As a chick, I say heels are OK but I really really hate pantyhose. I've never worked anywhere that mandated those, so yay for me.



Yeah, I was curious about that admission as well. It occurs to me that I've never worn a high heel in my life and frankly, they look kinda dangerous and scary. I'm a Portlander who was recently researching a potential Mt Hood summit bid and in doing so read where that's been done in heels!


@3 and @4
Ditto. Sloggers are at peak curiosity now!
In the meantime, I donut want to read more silly pins!



Yeah, I'll bet he doesn't change his underwear as frequently as he changes handles...



Actually, that is not much of an insult, considering how often they literally do change their handle.



Granted, but I'm still guessing - once every three or four days, whether he thinks he needs to or no.


A giant of American music died yesterday.
Dr John, aka Mac Rebennack.
RIP night tripper.


All the lawyers in the world aren't going to save Boeing from it's trashed reputation and the enormous amount of bad will it's generated world wide (and in the US Air Force) from its greedy and irresponsible actions.

And God help it if any of the pending cases go to jury trials. I suspect Boeing will be tied up in financially debilitating litigation for most of the rest of this century.

The only good that could possibly come out of Boeing's debacle - maybe - is a growing realization in corporate America that focusing exclusively on profits to maintain or raise the share price, at the expense of customer safety, is a self-defeating strategy that will ultimately backfire in the most horrendous ways.

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