Its a doozy, eh?
It's a doozy, eh? AHEFLIN / GETTY IMAGES

UW kept the sexual assault of a student by an athletic executive under wraps: They didn't even tell other UW athletic staff, and they certainly didn't tell other colleges. That allowed the executive, Roy Shick, to accept a new position at Grand Canyon University, according to the Seattle Times. The Times only found out about it through a public records request because the university's agreement with the student—a volleyball player—included she waive any claims against UW. By not publicly firing Shick, UW's athletic department made it possible for him to continue working in schools and potentially reoffending. After the Times contacted Grand Canyon University, which had no knowledge of this event, it placed Shick on administrative leave then fired him Sunday.

Canada's wildfire season is starting hot: This is the third straight day with a Canada blurb. The first two were pretty positive, but this one is a lot more depressing. Canada is currently experiencing a wildfire 50 percent larger than the Camp Fire we saw last year in Mendocino, California. As of Monday, 87 fires were burning across seven provinces and two different territories. It's in this springtime environment, where the snow has melted but vegetation hasn't grown very much, that wildfires can get out of control because of all the fuel on the ground. If this keeps up through the summer, Washington's air will be invaded by a thick haze we've all become way too familiar with.

Public hearing on backyard cottages gets more heated than you'd expect: Who would have thunk that something as benign as building a little mother-in-law suite in your backyard could get so many people's panties in a bunch? The new policy would change the laws to allow for bigger cottages in a time when neighborhoods are looking for ways to increase housing and families are looking for a little extra income. One of the more burdensome rules is that homeowners must provide the cottage tenant with a parking space.

Seattle City Council candidates have collected $1.6 million in Democracy Vouchers: The number of people mailing their vouchers in this year is just above 24,000 so far, about 6,000 more people than 2015, according to the Seattle Times. For some reason, only 42 of the 55 candidates signed up to receive the vouchers. What's wrong, you don't like free money? Shaun Scott of District 4 has been the most prolific voucher fundraiser, collecting a total of $141,000 worth of vouchers from 1,922 people. In total, six candidates have raised more than $70,000 in vouchers.

Temperatures are supposed to hit the mid 80s today: For all the people making fun of me for my "unbearably hot" comment the other day, I say bring on the sass! This is Seattle, where it's temperate as fuck. It dips below 30 degrees and everyone freaks out. It spikes above 80 degrees and everyone freaks out again! It's as much a part of our culture as putting cream cheese on everything (which as a transplant, I still haven't gotten on board with). My tips for staying cool are buy a popsicle, jump in Lake Washington, and don't work in a crowded bar that is going to be so, so busy today.

First Ebola case in Uganda shows spillover from Democratic Republic of the Congo outbreak: The DRC has been fighting an Ebola outbreak for just under a year now, and this is the first confirmed case outside the DRC. A 5-year-old Ugandan boy died from the disease on Tuesday, and now two of his relatives are sick with it, according to the World Health Organization. It appears the boy and his family entered Uganda on June 9 to seek treatment for him, but now may risk spreading the disease to Uganda. This outbreak is the second worst in history.

Vancouver grocery shop owner uses embarrassing bags to discourage single-use plastics: They say things like "Weird Adult Video Emporium" and "Wart Ointment Wholesale" to embarrass people away from using them and bring their own reusable bags. Now that is conservation done right.

Nevada will no longer refuse to hire people who fail a drug test: Well, for marijuana that is. If your drug test pops up with a whole bunch of other drugs, they can still tell you to take a hike. Nevada will become the first state to ban discrimination against people in the job market for smoking weed. The policy starts in 2020 and doesn't apply to firefighters, EMS, or other jobs that primarily involve driving. But for most Nevadans, getting stoned on your way to the drug test might be a very real possibility.

Show me your mugs:


Holy moly, folks, this mug is going straight to the Slog AM Hall of Fame. It comes to us all the way from Carolyn's home in Liverpool by way of her friend Rebecca. Yes, it does read "Eat a bag of dicks." I am now looking online to see where I can buy one.


Blaine's boyfriend does not work in the IT department. This mug remains a mystery.


This is an on-brand mug for an 80-plus-degree day. Thank you, Meagan!


That bear's got big butt and I cannot lie, it's Elysha's favorite mug, that's why.


My alarm clock makes me feel Hulk anger in the morning, but Britt's Incredible Hulk mug would calm me back down. For the record, this post was not sponsored by Marvel.


We can all appreciate the cuteness of Mary Kate's mug, but look how ergonomic the handle is! Who knew a heart could prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.

Now listen here, you $#!%: We got so many mugs and so many music recommendations! Some I'd heard before and others I most certainly hadn't. Some of you are into weird shit and I love it. I couldn't choose just one, so I'm posting two in here. Mary Kate was trying to start her day with a little morose crooning from Britain's favorite boy band since the Beatles. And some people need some goddamn peace and quiet to wake up, so Britt suggested Bjork's most mellow song.

Tonight's best Seattle entertainment options include: The opening night of Wicked, the beginning of the NW New Works Festival, and a show with the Art Gray Noizz Quartet.