

Oh Goody;
our weekly fix of Climate Disaster Porn....

Hundreds of Seattleites will die!!
every year!!!!
97 degrees for DAYS ON END!!!
and us with no infrastructure!
and only EIGHT YEARS to build some?

lots and lots of cities deal with way hotter temps and have for centuries.

we'd say Hundreds of Seattleites will have to toughen up some,
or, yeah; die every year.... SOB!.....



....and only EIGHTY YEARS to build some?...
Eight. Oh.


as you were...


It’s been fun, Tim.

Full speed ahead.


Thanks a bunch, Timothy!!
Best of luck to you!
And if you get to year 2100 - STAY INDOORS!


So long TK, best wishes for your future!


All the best, and thanks, Timothy. You know we're still waiting for that story about the one time you wore high heels, right?


What have I learned on Slog? 1. When guzzling your Champagnes,
(Champs!), always wear satety glasses! Thanks, Kawhi! Thanks, Kenney!

Happy Trails!


"and us with no infrastructure!
and only EIGHT YEARS to build some" --Flea S.

Your far far FAR "right"-wing Gawd (your sociopathic malignant narcissist, soon-to-be-imprisoned Illegitimate "Prez") promised us so much infrastructure it'd be coming out our ears. How much has he actually Delivered?

If we must look to YOUR Heroes to see it done, we'll all Die before there's a dime spent on any Infrastructure -- unless it's to provide/build (Private!) toll roads, bridges, libraries, unaffordable clean water and unaffordable (breathable) (by Humans) fresh air.


Having rightwingers talk shit about them is one way news compilers know they are doing a good job. I'll be expecting the sciency stories.


Very best wishes, Tim.


Yeah, thanks for the roundups and music recommendations TImothy! (no need to thank me for the corresponding recommendation from last week. Once more for good measure though, since it's such a nice listen...

Keep in touch!)


On behalf of Canada I say thanks to the Raptors for the win.

Seattle Sonics soon!

After the Seattle Kraken win the Stanley Cup, of course.


And enjoy the sun, Tim


A few hundred dead people is a small price to pay to keep the coal and oil companies thriving. No need to have the EPA get all concerned! MAGA!


Well put.

not to mention massive Student Debt
cause WHY shouldn't Capitalists capitalize?
If we, the peeps pay for it up front, Invest in Education, the returns to OUR Society massively outweigh massive Profits going to a very select, self-chosen few who've had the sytem tailored to meet all of Their hoarding needs, never ours.

not to mention massive flooding, landslides, fires and tornados and hurricanes
"there's NOTHING we can DO about it!
Even if we Could, it's too Expensive! Or
it's too Late!"

not to mention
not to mention
not to mention

not to mention climate Refugees.
Who knows, perhaps we, too may be forced to leave.
Or stay here and Die.

If you choose the former, on who's Door will you knock?


At least this means Trump is another year closer to being dead.


Thank you, Tim, for being such a good writer and a culture-vulture! Good luck in the future, I’m sure we’ll see your work again! Take care, have a good summer!

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