A local furry shades himself with a rainbow sunbrella while waiting for the parade to start. He came fully prepared with a portable fan, hydration pack, and a shade to keep from overheating.
We were sandwiched between the furries and the Seahawks band. It felt right Timothy Kenney

The Stranger marched in the 45th Annual Seattle Pride Parade. To the best of my knowledge—and remember I'm only an intern with six months of Stranger tenure—this is the first time we've ever marched in the parade (citation needed Dan Savage) and could not have asked for a better spot in the lineup. (Editor's note: None of the editorial staff can actually recall if we have been in the Pride Parade before but there was one year that the editorial staff judged a competition for the best non-corporate float.)

With a group of local furries in front of us, the Seahawks drum line behind us, and three fantastic drag queens along for the ride, we danced our way through downtown passing out this month's Queer Issue (which is still available, so go grab one before they're gone!)

We were joined by Beau Degas, Miss Texas 1988, and Juan Keyai, three of Seattle's hottest queens. We weren't sure if the crowds were cheering for them, the marching band, or The Stranger's top-notch journalism so we're just going to go with the latter. If you missed us or couldn't make it to the parade, here's a gallery of all the action.

Ms. Briq House (left), our Pride Issue cover star, poses with The Strangers Jasmyne King (center right) who wrote an feature on the educator, sex-work advocate, and burlesque performer.
Ms. Briq House (left), our Queer Issue cover star, poses with The Stranger's Jasmyne Keimig (center right) who wrote an feature on the "educator, sex-work advocate, and burlesque performer." Timothy Kenney

Miss Texas 1988 prepares her makeup in a truck mirror before the start of the parade.
Miss Texas 1988 prepares her makeup in a truck mirror before the start of the parade. Timothy Kenney

Three queens, Juan Keyai (left), Miss Texas 1988 (center right), and Beau Degas (right), pose with Stranger Digital Editor Chase Burns. Peep the custom t-shirts!
Three queens, Juankeyai (left), Miss Texas 1988 (center right), and Beau Degas (right), pose with Stranger Digital Editor Chase Burns. Peep the custom t-shirts! Timothy Kenney

We passed out copies of our latest Pride issue all along the parade route. If you werent lucky enough to snag one from us, they're still available all around the city!
We passed out copies of our latest Pride issue all along the parade route. If you weren't lucky enough to snag one from us, they're still available all around the city! Timothy Kenney

Marc was the MVPP (Most Valuable Paper Passer)
Marc was the MVPP (Most Valuable Paper Passer) Timothy Kenney

Miss Texas 1988 read The Stranger during the parade, whats your excuse?
Miss Texas 1988 read The Stranger during the parade, what's your excuse? Timothy Kenney

Shout out to the Seahawks drumline for keeping us going.
Shout out to the Seahawks drumline for keeping us going. Timothy Kenney

Miss Texas 1988 walked the entire parade in these shoes and I almost twisted my ankle in gym shoes.
Miss Texas 1988 walked the entire parade in these shoes and I almost twisted my ankle in gym shoes. Timothy Kenney

Happy Pride from everyone at The Stranger!
Happy Pride from everyone at The Stranger! Timothy Kenney