

"with squirrel" is the best thing ever (although if Pence is staying in DC because 25th amendment, that would be the best best thing ever).


Amazon is a shitty empire.


Congratulations to council members Mosqueda and González!

Please do yourselves, your families, and the city of Seattle a favor and take a 2 year long maternity leave, or better yet resign.

Seattleites will thank you for allowing us to complete replace all 9 council seats.


@5, don't forget the miserable warehouse employees


"The Shitty Side of Lake Washington": the Bellevue Arts Museum; Meidenbauer Center; Bellevue and Kirkland and Issaquah and other excellent public libraries; Bastyr College; Bellevue College; the well-functioning transit centers and the glorious new light rail coming soon; the innumerable ethnic restaurants; the tens of thousands of people from India, Pakistan, China, Japan, and other Asian countries, and quite a few from Russia and Africa and the entire world; the thousands of generous, philanthropic people on the Eastside donating much needed time and money to regional charities; the virtual United Nations that gathers daily at the food court at Crossroads Mall... and on and on and on. No, the Eastside is hardly perfect, and, to be sure, various snobberies and blindnesses persist--but are you perfect? Is anyone? What a pathetic, cheap-shot way to look bravely rebellious and iconoclastic. And what a sad comment on The Stranger that it breeds this kind of hate-mongering masquerading as hipster unconventionality. The Eastside has much to admire, respect, and emulate. Thank you, Eastside.


Bellevue is doing it right.


Mosqueda's still too young and idealistic. However I see Gonzales moving to the Eastside in a few.


Congrats on the award, Eli!


The new Amazon building will be on top of a light rail station, so it will be an easy commute for Seattleites.

I have nothing against Bellevue. It has some nice suburban-style neighborhoods, but the downtown is dreadful. It's west Omaha with more money, taller buildings, and better scenery.


@6: Don’t forget to complain when automation eliminates those jobs.


I lived in Seattle for more than 20 years before moving to Bellevue, which is amazingly clean and nice in comparison to Seattle. There are no tweakers here, haven't had a car prowl incident, nobody is lined up at the freeway entrance asking for money, and no campers.

If I want to go to Seattle, it's 15 minutes away. So, about once a week, I do go there. Don't really miss it.


Congrats on fulfilling Seattle's 40-100 story future!

Oh, and grats on becoming a Canadian, arctic fox! You'll love it.

I remember seeing my first homeless panhandlers (ever) at Bellevue exits, back when I worked there, so don't tell me there aren't any.


Update: Trump says Wilbur Ross is fake news. Em barr ass ing.


By shitty side of Lake Washington Chase of course means "less white side".


Bellevue has been dead to me since they closed Clark's Crabtree.

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