

Can someone please break down the equal pay for soccer players argument? Men's soccer earns more revenue from advertisers, more fans attend their games and their players are compensated from those revenues based on their talent.
Rapinoe makes more money than other players because she is more talented. But less than the men's team because their team earns more money.
Is that inequality, sounds pretty fair to me? Should we mandate equal amounts of fans should watch Men's and Women's soccer?


These gals went into the entertainment business but they chose poorly;
people don't find women's soccer very entertaining compared to other offerings (like high school football, for example, thousands of games across the country every Friday night will draw more spectators than the Rain, and those players don't get paid squat...); attendance, and pay reflect that fact.
It's the free market.
Supposedly the future is female they are woman hear them roar blah blah but all we really get is a lot of whiny bitching.




Look at all the grampas yelling at clouds up in here! Ya'll are adorable.


@1 -- Sure. The US men's team is not especially popular. The women's team is. Yet the men's team is paid way more. Basically the US men are paid like they are Italians. They aren't.

@2 -- Lots of people find women's soccer entertaining. The women's world cup had plenty of viewers. Women's professional soccer is popular in Europe. The problem is basically the U. S. pro league. Keep in mind, men's soccer (the most popular sport in the world) has failed several times in the U. S., and now we have essentially a second division team that people go bonkers over (because it is the only men's soccer in the U. S.). The hope is, of course, that it will grow (as is the hope that the women's professional soccer league will grow in popularity). It wasn't too long ago that basketball players were paid a moderate salary, and a franchise could be bought (and moved) for a mere third of a billion.

@3 -- First of all, the game was not a real competition. It was essentially practice, and was likely used by the coach to try out various players and options. The last thing a team wants, right before heading into a real competition, is to give beat up because of some overzealous 15 year old.

Second, even if a men's team can beat a women's team, who gives a fuck. Sugar Ray Robinson was an excellent boxer. So was Jake LaMotta. Both were the type of guys they make movies about. So was Thomas Hearns, Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran. These are all men who you will find on any "pound for pound" list of great boxers. Yet none of these men every tried to fight a heavyweight, because they would have lost. (By the way, I encourage you to find a boxing gym and then start talking shit about everyone who doesn't fight as a heavyweight).

There are literally hundreds of gold medalists who compete in sports by weight. Each and everyone one of them is bad-ass. Not only are you not bad-ass, you are an asshole, and an idiot. You have never accomplished anything in any sport, yet you find it amusing to talk shit about women who really are bad-ass.




While I’m all for informing people that having been born did not imbue magical powers, and that they are not, in fact, full of universes and multitudes and multitudes of universes, there’s no reason to bash sport.

Get up and walk off, fucker. That’s your hand.


Yes Lissa @5, aren’t they adorable.
These are world class athletes, wanting equal pay with the men on the world stage.
You know who is watching, it’s little girls. They see strong independent women like Megan talking about getting fair deals and being a champion athlete.. great models for them.
The interest is there, and it’s building. Women’s sports hasn’t had the time that men’s sports have had. It’s the excellence people want to see.


While I miss going to Reign FC games at Memorial Stadium (an easy bus ride! Taco trucks!), I don't miss going to Memorial Stadium itself. I hope the new arena will have actual seats and not concrete benches.

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