

coyote video is charming.
But I'm not persuaded that kit was near death without an intervention.
Coyotes are omnivores, they're survivors, they're tough.
They can eat grass, bugs, bones, berries, all sorts of things.


I am just wondering why no one is really mentioning how the planned trip for Omar and Tlaib was sponsored by Miftah, an organization that has expressed support for suicide bombers who attack Israel, and has literally stated that Jews harvest the blood of Christians to use in their ceremonies. Kind of seems like this detail would matter.

@2: I don't know about polite/respectful, but the funny part is:

"I just want to visit my grandmother."
"Ok, but only if you just visit your grandmother and do not do any political stumping for the BDS movement."
"I did not want to visit my grandmother anyway!"

It's all so tiresome...


@4 Tlaib said that this might be the last time she can see her grandmother... I guess that was just a political stunt that backfired.


@3: Yeah, maybe not near death as such, but a quick de-mange bath and some kibble probably won't hurt.


Maybe she just thought better about facing the denture breath


I see nothing inappropriate in a drunken grope between Katy Perry & Tina Kandelaki. Even if someone puts up a polite fuss. They were in Georgia, it's not like they human rights that are applicable.
We will allow it.


Shame on Nathalie to linking to a damn tweet of the coyote video and not to the source. Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't is one of the finest channels on YouTube:


I highly doubt Amazon has robots giving positive messages about the company. They've got over half a million employees, surely some of them like their jobs.


"The country she is visiting did not exist until 1948."

Well, Palestine has never existed as a country.


" America exist due to genocide and violence perpetrated on the indigenous people"

Says the guy living in Seattle, named after Chief Seattle, who annihilated and committed genocide against the Chimicum in 1847 and owned slaves. But history is so complicated, it probably gives you a headache to deal with anything not so black and white.


@14 Really, Feebs? Right after you were spanked for it in the other comments thread?

The State of Palestine is a de jure sovereign state recognized by 137 countries:


15 She also did not mention that you are a doughnut-shop reactionary twerp. That help?


@19 I believe the correct version is that Palestinians would have been celebrating Palestine's independence for over 50 years, if it wasn't for the duplicity and arrogance of the British Empire.


For many on the right, including our in-house freedom fighters, the support for a militant, increasingly religious and intolerant version of Israel is a blessing.
“What? Me? I’m not racist, I support the Jews.”



Doesn't it also have something to do with some biblical prophesy about the Israelites building the fourth temple-on-the-mount or whatever, which is supposed to be a harbinger of the impending Rapture? I mean, that's really the only reason many Christians seem to support a nation run by "Christ killers", whom, at best they otherwise wouldn't give two shits about, or at worst would be actively persecuting themselves, right?


Hey thats Joey Santore from Crime Pays but Botany doesn't he found the Coyote while recording for his youtube channel where he walks around nature preserves and describies the botany (its amazing him saying Hastingsia Serpenticola in that accent) - the coyote is from his northern cal video he has a follow up video too.


@27 has no idea what he's talking about, and all the many pogroms over the millenia.



Well sure - IF you patently ignore St. John Chrysostom's actual coining of the term "Jewish deicide" in the 4th Century CE all the way up to Vatican II in 1965 when the Council formally adopted the doctrine of "Nostra aetate" (which, among other things overturned the papal bull penned by Pope Paul IV only ten years prior that had revoked all the rights of the Jewish community and placed religious and economic restrictions on Jews in the Papal States, renewed anti-Jewish legislation, and subjected Jews to various degradations and restrictions on their personal freedom), and which still required further repudiation by Benedict XVI as recently as 2011.

And on the Protestant side we can start with Martin Luther's excoriation of the Jews in his 1543 treatise, "The Jews And Their Lies", and move on to the Russian Orthodox Church's anti-Semitic stance during the partition of Poland in the 18th Century, right up to last week when Adam Fannin of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Florida called for the execution of comedienne Sarah Silverman by stating:

"You know these Jewish false prophets, anti-Christian, anti-God, they’re willing to put Jesus to death again … You heard this comedian Sarah Silverman? … Listen, she is a witch. She is a Jezebel. She is a God-hating whore of Zionism. I hope that God breaks her teeth out and she dies. She is a wicked person and she is like the perfect representation of religious Judaism … She is Satan’s scoffer and she is there to take the world and make ’em laugh and then diss Jesus, try to take away the respect from Jesus."

But, you know, other than all that, you're absolutely correct when you say that "Christians haven't been seething for over 2000 years because the Jews crucified Jesus"...



Be careful what you wish for (i.e. rebuttals)...


Wow. I didn't think the Chicago accent even got that thick. I thought my uncle John was the most "Chicago" it got, but not even close. Thanks to the folks that provided the links to his channel.

The Colbert clip is still better though, IMO. I liked that a lot. Thank you for both of those, Nathalie.


@30 if there were up votes, that would have gotten one. Thank you.


Cooper's mother died? Great. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Hopefully, Cooper and Colbert will kill themselves from grief --- there would be less fake news and propaganda in the world.

Perry is a rapist and needs to be jailed. But of course, female privilege dictates that women can get away with sexual assault without consequences and the hypocrites of Metoo won't give a fuck. If it was a man though, then stop the presses!


Wow. as if I need any additional reminders to avoid driving through Seattle anymore. Yeek.

As usual, re @1, @15, & @36: TROLL ALERT!!!!!!!

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